Chapter 5

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Cain's pov

I left the kitchen while Elara was occupied. There was another meeting with the elder wolves and the other Alphas. I walked into my office and locked the door. I opened my laptop and waited for them to call. Once they did I answered to face seven of the most powerful wolves ever.

"Alphas of every pack in California west. Thank you for joining the meeting." I nodded like the others and waited for them to continue. "We called this meeting to continue our talk about the war between the Emerald pack and Blood cove pack." Elder Carmine said.

"We were told you had an accomplice. Alpha Danté. Did you help Alpha Cain?" Elder Zach asked.

"Yes I did." Danté confirmed.

"This is a disgrace. The two strongest packs fought the fourth strongest pack. And for a girl." Elder June said.

I growled. "That girl is my Luna." I said.

"Do not growl at us Alpha Cain. We are aware of that. What's done is done." Elder William said. I calmed myself as he continued. "Your punishment was decided. Your going to step down as Alpha." He said.

"What!?" All the Alpha's yelled in union.

"No. Im not doing that." I said.

"Yes you will. If you refuse we will come there ourselves and take the title away from you." Elder Kade warned.

"Then do it. I wont step down. I saved my mate. I stopped a potential threat to the entire wolf kingdom. If you want me to give up my title, then you will have to take it from me." I growled and turn off my laptop.

I got up and stormed out of my office. Everyone I walked pass bowed their heads in fear. I walked outside and everyone kept their distance. I was about shift and eun but someone hugged me. I growled and looked to see Elara.

She looked at me with no fear. All I could see was love in her eyes. I instantly calmed down and hugged her back. "What's wrong? Meeting not go too well?" She asked.

I sighed and kicked a stone. Jaxon walked towards us and he looked concerned. "Eveyone told me you were storming out of the house. Something happen?" He asked. I groaned in frustration.

"The elders threatend to take my alpha title."

"What?!" Jacon and Elara said in union. Jaxon looked worried and Elara's eyes changed. Shit!

"Elara calm down. I not going to let them. Not without a fight." I said and she calmed down.

"Whats going on?" Sasha and my parents came running. I told them and my parents had the same reaction as Jaxon and Elara. "I can kill them for you." Bagheera said.

"No. That just gives them a better reason to take this entire pack down." My dad said.

The elders were srubborn people and always wants things to go according to the rules. Everyone decided to figure out a way to helo me. Elara took me inside and we sat in the living room. She stared at me as I tried to think of a way to get out this mess. "Any ideas?" I asked Elara.

"Let me talk to them. If human form doesn't work then panther form it is. And if I cant persuade them then I hand over to Shuri." She said confidently.

"And if that doesnt work?"

"Then Im out of ideas." She said and I laughed.

"Your cute when your clueless." I said.

"Do they know what I am?" She asked and I nodded my head. Lucky and Kiom ran in and towards Elara. They sat on her lap and I smiled.

"Whats going on?" Lucky asked.

"Why does Cain look sad?" Kion asked.

Elara explained to them and they got mad. They barely know me but they get mad like Elara would. "Why dont you just tell them to leave Sissy." Lucky said.

"If it was only that easy." Elara said.

"But it is. Our family is the leaders of the werecat clans." Kion said.

"What do you mean?" In that moment Sasha walked in.

"Let me explain." She said. "How many secrets does this family have?" Tyson asked. No clue.

"The werecats all joined together to protect each other. They had to decude on a leader. They chose the panthers cause of their bite and their strength. Yes others have powers like ice and fire but we can withstand all thet but one bite and we win. Our family is the last of the panther kind so we got chosen." Sasha said. Wait a minute.

"If thats true and Elara is your oldest child." I started off.

"She is next in line of the were cat clan." Sasha said. Elara looked shocked and so was I.

"So when were you plannjng on telling me?" Elara asked.

"When we took you back home." Sasha said.

"What?" I growled. Sasha stood up and faced me.

"She is my daughter. I want to keep her out of danger so she has to come back with me before..." Sasha stopped talking.

"Before what?" I asked. She was hiding something. She lowered her head and was about to walk away. Elara stood up and stopped Sasha.

"Before what Sasha?" Elara asked. Sasha stayed quiet. "Tell me now!" Elara growled, scaring Lucky and Kion. Sasha sighed. Kion and Lucky hugged Sasha. They seemed scared.

"There is this person after us. He could never get to us cause werecats protect each other. When he found out we left to look for you, he started hunting us." Sasha said.

"Who is he? What is he?" I asked.

We waited for a answer but what she said next made Elara and I freeze on the spot.

"His name is Garroth. His a fallen descendant of the moon goddess."

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now