Chapter 25

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"What do you mean she's a hybrid?" I asked.

"We dont know much but all we know is that its extremely rare to have a hybrid child. More rare than being a pure bred. She is going to be a strong little girl." Sasha said.

"I told you she will be a fighter." Cain said and I shook my head and giggled. Our parents left then the others walked in to see Sage. After that, some of them wemt home. Bella and Jaxon stayed and waited for us.

We were told we could leave so Cain got things ready. Dr. Grey said that I would still feel a little sore but it would go away soon. I barely felt any pain. We went to the car and Sage was sleeping in my arms. We got into the car and Jaxon drove us home. Jaxon and Bella looked nervous and scared.

"Whats wrong?" I asked them. Cain looked at them and realised it too. Bella stayed silent and Jaxon sighed.

"Garroth was spotted inside the house. They chased him off and checked the house. He didnt do anything to the house." Jaxon said. Cain growled and held on tight to Sage.

"I told everyone to stay alert and we put more people on patrol. There is teams of vampires that will stand around the house with two Verons on all side. Emma and the others will stay in the house with tou guys." Bella said.

"Thank you for taking care of this guys." Cain said. Bella and Jaxon smiled.

"We are the beta and beta female. Its our job." Jaxon said. We got home in no time and went inside.

"Im going to take Sage to her room. She is sound asleep." I said amd went upstairs. I went into Sage's room and looked around. The room was clean and still rhe way I left it. I put Sage in her cot and she continued to sleep. I went into her storage room, which I am thinking to turn into her play room and pulled out a box full of girls clothes.

I should sell the boy clothes. I started packing her clothes into her drawers and hanging those that needed to be hung like some of the dresses. I placed the small shoes on the bottom shelf and did the other box.

Okay. I may have went overboard when Cain was busy. I bout four boxes. Two having girl clothes and the other two, boys clothes. I finished packing the clothes and shoes away and I felt tired. I didnt rest after giving birth and doing this just made me more tired. The door opened and Cain walked in. He had a plate of food in his hand and it smelled good.

"You hungry?" He asked and I nodded. I took the plate and sat down. I started eating and Cain looked at the clothes. "Where did all of this come from?" He asked.

"I did some online shopping over the months and bought vlothes. For a boy and a girl. We need to sell the boys clothes." I said pointjng to the two closed boxes in the corner. Cain laughed.

"You were really prepared for anything." He said. I finished my food and yawned. "Go sleep princess. Ill keep and eye on Sage." He said and kissed my forehead. I got up and Sage immediately started to cry. "I got this." Cain said. I nodded and headed to bed.


Cain's pov

When Sage woke up, I picked her up and cradled her. "Its okay baby. Daddy is here." I cooed but she was still crying. I kissed her tiny forehead and looked for her pacifier. Sage was cdying and I still couldnt find her pacifier. Time for the next best thing.

Twinkle twinkle

Little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle

Little star

How I wonder what you are

I sang and she calmed down. I finally found her pacifier and put it in her mouth. She statted to suck on it and slowly started ro close her eyes. I sat in the rocking chair and rocked back and fourth. Eventually Sage fell asleep. I placed her in her crib and went to Elara.

She was sleeping on the bed. She looked peaceful. I closed the door and layed next to Elara. She snuggled me and I chuckled. "Good night baby."


When I woke up, Elara wasnt in bed. I looked at the time and it was six thirty. I got up and went to look for her. I found her in Sage's room sitting in the chair, reading a book. Little red riding hood to be exact. I watched as she read to Sage and she waa just loking at Elara.

When Elara finished the book, she put it down and looked at Sage. "If you want to be creepy, then keep the door more closed than open." She said and looked at me. I walked towards them and took Sage from Elara.

"Hello baby girl. How did you sleep." I said and Elara smiled. "Lets get you something to eat." I said looking at Elara.

"She ate already." Elara said. I chuckled.

"I meant you." I said. She smiled and we went to the kitchen. Yesterday I asked Bella and Emma to set up the high chair for Sage and it stood in the kitchen. Elara took sage while I made breakfast. When I was finished, Sage was sleeping again. "So for now, she is just gonna sleep most of the time?" I asked.

"Yep. She was born yesterday Cain. Kne day she will walk, talk, run around, work on our nerves." Elara said and I laughed. She knew how to make me smile. Having Sage brought another light into my life. I always thought I would stay in this place where I didnt know if I should choose the darkness or light.

When Elara came into my life, she was the light that helped me. Sage was another light. Making me see life in another angle. I want to protect my girls. No matter what I will keep them safe.

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now