Chapter 6

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Elara's pov

Its been two days since Sasha told us about Garroth and that Im the next leader of the werecat clan. I didnt want to leave. This place is my home and these people are my family. Cain held a meeting and told everyone about Garroth yesterday and everyone was mad when they heard he was after me, they all got mad.

Evrryone has been on high alert since then. If I went outside, I would always look over my shoulder to make sure no one was behind me. This while thing was putting me on edge. I felt like I was back to my old life. Living in fear of what Luke would do next if I made a mistake.

I hated living like that and Shuri has been quiet for two days. I missed her and she refused to speak to me. I went up to my room and got Cain's laptop. I opened it and video called Aria. It rang a few times before she answered. "Hey Rara. How you doing?" She asked. I missed Aria. She would always know what to do but she had her own pack to help so this is fine for now.

"To be honest. Ever since my family came, everything just started to fall apart again. I dont know what to do. I dont want to bother Cain cause he has his own problems and the pack is on high alert cause of this Garroth person. Why do you think his after us?" I asked Aria. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Im more shocked that your a pure breed panther." She said. I looked at her confused. "Remember when I said its rare that both parents would be the same cat breed?" She said. I nodded my head for her to continue. "Well, a pure bred cat can either mean two things. One, that a pure were cat can be twice as stronger than others. Two, you could have anothe ability making you either stronger or unstoppable." She said.

I sat back in my seat and thought about she said. "How sure are you about this?" I asked her.

"I found an old library here at my pack and it had a few books on werecats. It was written by other werecats. They were pure bred at too. So they wrote info on what they knew but they didnt really specify most things." She explained.

"If there is an old library in your pack then there should be one here too." I said. Now that I think about it, Blood cove also had a secret old library. I saw Luke go there a couple of times.

"It should either be in Cain's office or the library. Behind a painting or a bookshelf." Aria said. I nodded and stsrted thinking. "Something else is bothering you." Aria said.

"Im supposed to be the next werecat leader but I dont want to be. I want to stay here but..." I stopped. Trying to figure out how to say it.

"You dont want to disappoint the werecats." Aria said and I nodded. "I have to ideas. The first one is crazy." She said but I nodded so she could say it. "Let the werecats live with you. My second idea is let one of your siblings take that role." She said.

Her first idea was crazy. Cats and dogs living together didn't sound like a good idea. "I should talknto Sasha and Bagheera about that second plan of yours. It sounds better." I said and she laughed.

"Yeah. And Elara, dont worry. You will get through this. Like you always do." She said. We said our goodbyes and she hung up. I closed the laptop and leaned back against the chair. I closed my eyes feeling tired of all this worrying.


I was outside. Everyone was gone. I was alone. "Hello! Cain! Anyone!" I called out. The trees and bushes started moving. I thought it was kne of the lack members but it growled. Whatever this thing was, its seemed big.

The birds fled from their home and I darted for the house. The thing chased me and I didnt look back. I tried to open the door but it wouldnt. I banged on the door hoping someone would hear me. "Open the door!" I yelled but no one answered.

The thing was right behind me. I turned and it jumped at me. I dont know what came over me but I roared and the thing was pushed back. The thing got back up and I growled. "Go away!" I growled. The thing didnt move. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Then I started shaking.

I opened my eyes and looked at Cain. He pulled me into a hug. I felt numb. What just happened? "Its okay. No one is here." He said.

"What happened?" I asked him. I started tobget feeling in my body back slowly. I looked in frontnof me and saw my nightstand was broken into pieces.

"You roared in your sleep. It woke me up and you were shaking. I tried waking you up but you growled at me. When you stopped I woke you up." He said. I tried to remember why I roared but my dream was fuzzy. I couldn't remember what happened.

"Im fine now Cain." I said and he kissed my forehead.

"I just got scared. I thought you were having another panic attack." He said. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Even if I did, you always helped me. Like I always help around the pack." I said and Cain smiled. "Lets get up. I want coffee." I said and Cainthree himself back on the bed. I took my pillow and whacked him on his head.

"Hey!" He growled and chased me downstairs. I laughed as I ran into the kitchen and hid behind the counter. It seemed like everyone was still asleep. It was early so I wouldn't blame them. "You cant hife from me babe." Cain said and I held back my laugh.

I peaked from behind the counter and I was picked up and Caim threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down." I said as I laughed.

"Nope. Im punishing you for hitting me." He said and I got excited.

"It was just a pillow." I said as Cain took me back to the room. He put me on the bed and took my clothes off. He took his off too and started kissing me.

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now