Chapter 21

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Cain got pulled into a meeting yesterday and we didnt have sex. I was mad but couldnt be for long. I would go for walks around the pack with Bella and Andy and Emma while thr boys were busy. Cain hasbeen having meetings with the elders and the captain of the Verons. Whats worse the captain is a female.

I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and took out some bluebarries. I sat at the table as I ate my blueberries. Alone. By myself. Im so bored.

"Maybe you should hang out with girls or the boys or you siblings or parents." Shuri suggested.

The girls were called to train. The boys have their shift right now. My siblings are training with the girls and their shift is right afterwards and our parents and Cain's parents have been walking around the pack in case Garroth shows. They are the strongest after me and Cain afte all. I told her.

Evrryone was busy. I would be roo but everyone told me to relax and look after myself and the baby. I heard a door close and Cain walked into the kitchen. "Have you been sitting here alone all the time?" He asked as he sat next to me. I shrugged and he knew somerhing was wrong. "What's bothering you?" He asked.

"Everyone has something to do. Im bored Cain." I said.

"Your taking care of our little one in there. You should be taking it easy." Cain saidn and walked to the fridge, looking for something to eat.

"I know but Im alone. Everyone is busy and when they aren't they are tired. I wanna do something." I whine. Cain laughed as he made himself a turkey sandwich. I looked at the sandwich and Cain chuckled.

"You want one?" He asked and I nodded my head. He made me a sandwich and placed it in front of me. "How about this? We make a schedule to go see the doctor. So we can see if our little one is a boy or a girl." Cain said and I got excited.

"Yes let do it! Ouch!" I winced in pain.

"Baby kicking again." Cain said and chuckled.

"Its not funny. It fucking hurts." I said. We finished our sandwiches and headed to the living room. We sat on the sofa and turned the tv on. Cain called Dr. Grey and she said we could come in tomorrow. I was excited. I couldn't wait to meet my baby. I dont know how long its been but soon a fell asleep.


Cain's pov

Elara fell asleep and I carried her to the room. I placed her on the bed and kissed her forehead. I headed outside and Sasha walked towards me. "How's Elara doing?" She asked.

"She misses everyone. She feels alone cause everyone is busy." I said. Sasha looked said.

"If she only knew what was going on." Sasha said. I agreed with her. The day Abigail showed up was the day that the Verons spotted Garroth. I didnt want Elara to get mad or stress about it so I left her in the dark. We have been busy planning on how we would attack him without him hurting anyone.

"Cain. The Verons spotted movement in the south east side of the territory. There are four teams going to check it out. Deluca is with them so if its him, Deluca will link us." Massey informed me as we walked into the kitchen.

"Okay. Tell everyone to be prepared if it is him." I said and she walked off. I got a bottle of water and took a sip and My father walked in.

"I heard about the team sent out. Do you think its him?" My father asked.

"We dont know." I said. I walked into the living room, my father following behind me. Emma ran up to me stopping me in my tracks. She was out of breath. "Emma, whats wrong?" I asked.

"Vampire queen. She wants to talk to you." Emma said. "She's waiting in your office."

I walked to my office and Panyhea was sitting behind my desk. I let out a growl and she just smiled. "Alpha Wilson so nice to see you agian." She said and stood up. She walked closer and I growled.

"What do you want?" I growled. She smirked and sat on the sofa.

"I talked the tiger and her puppy and we have come to an agreement. We coexist together. Wprking together. Vampires ans wolves. Only it will be permanent. Unlike yours with the hunters." Panthea blabs out.

I was losing my patients with her. "What is your point Panthea?" She smirked.

"No title? You got some courage Alpha Wilson. I would like to add to my statement. With our permant partnership, tiger girl told me about this Garroth guy. When they said he was a rogue descendant out for werecat blood, I got interested." She stated.

"So wait. What your saying is..."

"I want to help take that demi god down." She said. I looked at her confused.

"You want help us. Why?" I asked. She stood up and walked towards the door.

"For one, sitting alone in a castle doing nothing is boring. There is no excitement. Second, if he is out to kill werecats then he wont hesitate to kill Aria when he finds her. I need Aria alive." She said and ooened the door.

"Why? Why is Aria so important to you?" I asked her. She turned to me and her face was expressionless.

"Have you ever been in a situation where you know you have no chance of winning? Then you find that one thing that can stop it but that thing wont listen to your command so you think you have to force it to help instead of just asking? Thats what Im dealing with and you dont need to know more info on this topic since its none kf your business." She said.

Panthea had tears in her eyes but didnt shed one. "Do you think its possible if the vampires patrol with the Verons and my pack members?" I asked. She wipped away the tears a took a deep breath.

"Yes we can. I will be tagging alone so get used to seeing me everyday." She said and left

How am I going to tell Elara this?

"Just say the vampires wanted to help and you gladly accepted." Tyson said. I sighed and sat in my chair.

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now