Fights And Plans

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⚠️ bad language ⚠️

Dogdays pov

Class ends, and catnap offers to walk me to class, but I say he is going to get tardy again and agree and leave. I go to my science class and I think if I can remember Catnap saying something about a sports class I don't know. Anyway I go to science and Hoppy and Chicken there. The worst pair of partners for a class. I sigh and sit in the middle of them so they don't fight over who could be the loudest or something. "Ooh shiit Dogday what's up" kicthen says elbowing me. I smile at his dumb words. " I am doing perfect, how about you chicken?". "Great bro, I just came out of english, and I think all the chicks in there are already in love with me," he says, smiling proudly. "No, you were just bothering them all in there. I would be surprised if one of them liked you even a little, " Hoppy says, cutting in. "HEY, don't be jealous, man," he says, folding his arms and looking away. "Pfft if I got anything to be jealous of," she laughs. Ugh, here we go again. "HAH, OH YEAH," chicken yelled, standing up. "OH BRING IT ON," Hoppy yells, jumping up as well. "Office, both of you, we do not deal with this behavior here," the teacher says as her hands lie on her hips. "BUT HE STARTED IT," chicken yelled, pointing at Hoppy. My eyes widen. "Oh man," I say, looking at chicken. "HE? HE DID YOU CALL ME A FUCKING HE, I SHOW YOU WHAT A WOMAN CAN FUCKING DO" she says and jumps on chicken beating the shit out of him. The teacher calls for backup, and everyone is recording the fight. I tried to pull Hoppy off, but she is stuck on, and the security came, and even they had a hard time pulling her off. "THATS WHAT A REAL WOMAN CAN DO HAH," she laughs as she's being forced out of the class. They help chicken, and he is messed up and take him out of class too. Once they leave, the whole class is quiet, all left speechless, even the teacher. The teacher fake coughs to get our attention. "On the first day aswell hmm well uh class back to our subject." She says, trying to focus.

Time skip

The bell rings and we go to our next class. My next class and I have Spanish. I know crafty, and Bobby is going to be there, so it's gonna be fun. I turn the hall, and I hear two yelling two familiar voices. Oh no, how the fuck that happen I see hoppy still fight chicken. I see catnap there holding Hoppy up and away from chicken. "GUYS, STOP IT," I yell, running over. Catnap is trying his best to hold her back, but you can tell he is struggling. I stand in front of Hoppy, trying to get her attention. "HOPPY CALM DOWN" she looks me in the eyes and starts to breathe normally.. kinda? "What he do now?"I say, holding her hand so she can calm down. " Sorry dogday.. just him being a SEXIST FUCKER" she yells and starts squeezing my hand so hard. "OK OK OK, calm down, hoppy," I say, smiling in pain. "If I let you go, you won't fight him again," Catnap says, I forgot he was there. She sighs and nods. He let's go, and chicken rushes off to what I assume the nurse office. She grumbles under her breath and walks the other way without saying something. We watch her turn the corner and look at each other. "Thanks for helping," I say he sighs and nods. "She really strong. I barely got to keep her still," he says, looking at his hands. "Well, what class you got, I have Spanish." he looks at me. "Huh, me to as well... I realize we have a lot of classes together. " I giggled."You just noticed that" we both walk to our class chatting. I love that the teachers I have are not strict and don't give us seating charts. We walk into class, and I see Crafty and Bobby together. They sit in the second to last row in the back. These tables are two seaters, so i see the table behind them are empty, so I walk over and sit, catnap sits next to me, and I smile at him. Crafty turns around and smiles at me, and Bobby turns and smiles at Catnap. "Hi Dogday," crafty says. "Hi, I am Bobby," Bobby says, waving to Catnap. "I'm Catnap," he waves. I know they know his name already, but they are just following around. "And this is Crafty." She shyly smiles at him, and he smiles at her. "Alright, class, this will be our seating charts, and if you misbehave, I will move you," the teacher yells from her desk. There are a lot of girl teachers here, not like I have a problem, it's just interesting. "I do not do that welcoming beginning thing, so we will get right into it," she says, grabing her book.

"Ok, tomorrow you and your partner are going to have a conversation of talking together in Spanish," she yells, sitting down.  I sigh deeply. We literally just started, and we got a presentation. "What? We just got here, though, " I whisper yell. I turn and look at Catnap, who is giggling at me. "Are you not worried at all?!" I whisper yell to him. He shakes his head no and rests his head on his hand while he continues to look at me giggling. "I can help you," he whispers. "You know Spanish?" He nods. Now I am staring at him, confused. "If you know Spanish, why are you here then?". "It's a requirement to do Spanish," he says calmly. "Oh wel-" the teacher cuts me off. "Do you two in the back have anything you want to share?" Catnap just laying his head down looking at the teacher. I started looking around the class. I do not want to get in trouble. "So? I am waiting, " she says, looking at me in the eyes. I start to get nervous, her eyes looking into my soul. "No, miss, we were just getting a head start on our presentation," catnsp says, looking at me. She laughs. "Well, if that's so, we all should practice now," I sigh, sinking into my chair. Bobby smiles at catnap and then at me. "Ok, let's practice," I say, sitting up. He sits up as well. "Alright, what do you want to talk about?" I think for a moment. "What about a simple greeting?" He nods, and I smile. "Ok Hola Como estas?" He says, and I state at him blankly. "Huh?". "Oh, sorry, I said hi, how are you?"."Oh well, uh, how do I say good in Spanish?". "Bueno, and you can say Y tu for and you." I nod. "B-bueno? Uh Y tu". He looks like he's trying his best to hold back his laughter, and it makes me embarrassed. "W-what?!" I say embarrassed as ever. "Mh, nothing, let's practice. Ok, Hola Como estas?" I am nervous now. "Bu-Bueno Y tu?" He smiles and claps. "Bravo bravo, but how what else do you want to talk about?" I stare at him for a second and sink in my chair, frowning. "Oh, cmon, it will be easy. You got a Spanish speaker here," he points at himself, and that makes me giggle a bit. I look at Bobby, and her and Crafty are side eyeing smiling and giggling. They are up to something.

Bobby turns around and faces catnap behind her. "Hey Catnap, would you like to eat lunch with us and dogday?" she asked, leaning on the back of her chair and smiling. He was startled by her speaking out of nowhere at first, which was funny. But he calmed down and looked at her and smiled. "Sure, you guys are sweet," he says, giving Bobby her own comfortable smile. She smiles, gets bigger, and a crafty face is red a bit, so she turns away to hide it. Crafty is pansexual so it's understanding why she is acting like this to Catnap and has a huge crush on Bobby. "Hey, leave my partner alone and practice with yours," I say jokingly  they both laugh. "Well, we could practice next period because we have lunch." Crafty says more calm now. My eyes widen. "Wait, what really?" I say, looking at my schedule. The all laugha and giggle at me. "Everyone pack up the bell will ting soon," the teacher yells, fixing her stuff on her desk. Us four pack up and leave when the bell rings. "Hoppy!! Over here, " Bobby yells. "HII GUYS," she yells, running over. Then picky and Bubba come over. "Ooo, you're the baseball player, right?!" Hoppy says, bouncing up and down in excitement. He smiles and nods. Those two talk, and we all get in line and get our food. We all sit at a table which will be our permanent table. "Where Kickin chicken?" Bubba says. Hoppy glaring him for saying those words. "The yellow one, right?" Catnap says. "Yeah, you know what happened?"  he slightly smiles. He looks at me, and then we both look at Hoppy. Then they all understand, "Of course,"  Bubba says, eating his sandwich. "OOH guys, we should all hang out." Bobby says. Hanging out is her love language. Everyone says yes, but catnap. We all look at Catnap. "And what about Catnap?" says, leaning over. "Sorry, I can't. I have practice today. " "OOO CAN WE COME, " Crafty yells. It's not often when she yells, and we all look at her, and she sinks in her seat a bit. "O-oh uhm, sorry, but you know like what if we can hang out and watch you practice... if you want, of course. " The last bit she whispers a bit, but we all heard her. "O O O YEAH YEAH CAN WE COME PLEASE" Catnap was shaken. I mean, literally Hoppy was shaking Catnap so much he looked like he was getting dizzy from it. "HOPPY," picky yells to her, and she stops. "Well, what about it, Catnap?" I say at him. He sits right across me, so I see him perfectly. "Sure, why not?"  he smiles. Crafty squealing and smiling while Bobby is calming her down and Hoppy literally jumping in excitement. Bubba was talking to Catnap about how fast he could hit the ball, and Bubba lost him with all the math.

We all split and go to our next classes. We have two more classes left, and mine are some high core classes, and I have the yearbook as an elective.

I have nothing to say really but to like this guy's and women's. But anyways love yall OH and you should read my other book, lavander Lovers. It's in the top four for something I can't remember.

1845 words

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