The Cats Home

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Catnap pov

I wake up to the annoying buzzing from my phone. At first, I was too tired to look and see who it was, so I went back to sleep. But then it started ringing, someone was calling me but it felt like it was too early in the morning to talk so I let it ring. It stopped ringing it was silent, and I was drifting back to sleep until it started buzzing again. I covered my head with my blanket, refusing to get up. It stopped ringing. I heard it spaming more sounds of messages until they just stopped. I was waiting for the next buzz, but nothing came, so I went back to sleep.

6 minutes later

I wake up to banging on my door, not knocking just loud ass banging. I slowly get up with my messy fur and walk out to the door. I make it to the door and open it to see 7 super energetic critters. Dogday was in the front waiting for the door to open. I blink to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but nope, there they are. "Woah, Catnap, nice bed hair," Hoppy says while jumping in the back. "What do you want so early?" I say, sleepy.  "WHAT? It's 12, it's no longer  moring, it's the afternoon, and we wanted to hang out, " Dogday says as he heard something so traumatizing. "Catnap, can I use the restroom?" Picky says with her big eyes. "Oh yeah, of course." I let her in, and then the next thing they are all inside my home. "Wow, look at the wall texture and design here," Crafty says in amazement. Bubba is sitting down with Hoppy telling her to calm down so she doesn't ruin my house, and Bobby just walks around. I yawn and tell them to make them self at home because I don't want to bother rushing them out of my house or something. I walk back to my room and flop down and get cozy again.

Dogdays pov

Everyone else is doing something well except Bobby she is kinda walking around. Catnap tells us to make ourselves at home and walks to a room down a hallway. Well, he did say make ourselves at home, so I go down the hallway as well. He goes into a room at the end of the hall, and I am already getting a strong scent of lavender. I am assuming it's his room. He leaves his door open a bit, but not enough for me to fit through. So I watch like a werido, he just lays down and goes back to bed? "Uhm, hello? It time to hang out bot to sleep, " I say, walking in. He turns his head and looks at me with his beautiful, sleepy eyes. And turn his head again and cuddles more with his blankets. I stand there waiting for an answer, knowing I am not gonna get one. I look around his room and surpise to see if he doesn't have any posters of baseball or anything really related to it. I thought he would cover his room with it, but it has many purple things more, but it has a calming look, funny because he is also purple but the best thing is that his room is clean. I could never have a room this clean. "Are you gonna just stand there?" I hear Catnap says with a soft tone. "Huh?" I say, coming back from my trance. He pats the spot for me next to him on his bed. I sit and instantly get a warm, comforting feel. Next thing you know, I am laying down and slowly falling to sleep until I hear a giggle. I look, and Catnap is giggling at me. "What?" He smiles a bit more."I thought we were hanging out, not sleeping," he says with a sly smile like he did that one purpose. I smile and roll my eyes. "You're right. Let's go, " I say, going to yet out of bed except I don't want to. This bed is way too comfortable to want to leave. "It alureing no?" Catnap says, smiling, resting his head on his hand. "What is?" He yawns and puts his head down. "Your parents don't live with you," I say, now wondering if we would have woken his parents as well. His ears shot up so fast, he looking at me now. " I live by myself," he said. "WHAT?! ARE YOU RICH BECAUSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOUSE IS FANCY AS HELL?" I yelled in shocked I must have startled him because his hair is standing up and his eyes widen. "O-Oh, sorry... it's just that you have a lot of stuff that looks like it's worth a lot, and I assumed your parents got them or something, " I say, looking away in embarrassment. He sighs and lays his head down. "You're too loud, and I am too tired," he says. I started to close my eyes slowly and rest my head on his pillow until I heard a *SANP*  I shot up and look at the door to see two girls, the lover girls Bobby taking a picture and Crafty holding back her smile. Catnap only looks at them and, at me, confused. My face red as a tomato. I look to the side so Catnap can't see. "What with the smiles and giggles," Catnap says. "YOU to bonding is so cute," Bobby says. I growl at Bobby, I get up and run right at her. Catnap and Crafty are following behind just watching. We run to the living room, and Bubba is trying to grab Hoppy, but she is running everywhere. The house is a mess, and this is embarrassing the first expression we are making being in Catnaps house. Hoppy sees my face and slows down, and Bubba trips over his foot. Catnap giggles and starts to pick up the mess. "O-OH, I AM SORRY LET ME CLEAN UP," Hoppy yells while picking stuff up quickly. We all start picking up, and it is not how it is when we first came here, but it's at least clean. "How about we go out now?" Picky says. We all turn to her "uhm where have you been this whole time?" I say. "I was in the kicken? Where else would I be? " she says, rolling her eyes.

Sorry for the short chapter, yall. I was just a bit tired, and some of you think I dead? Well I am not I was just realllllllly busy. But don't worry, I don't plan on writing both books at all.

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