Prologue - Savannah's POV

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Have you ever woken up feeling like you have just had the life sucked out of you and then slammed back in, like the life that has been slammed back in is worse then when it was being sucked out to begin with, well that's me on a daily basis.

It's been two and a half years since it happened and the trauma never leaves. Every night without fail, I go to sleep only to wake up slashing around, hyperventilating, screaming and sweating. After I wake up it takes a good 2 hours for me to calm down and go back to sleep. The two hours gets spent calming down, checking all the doors and windows and making sure that my daughter is still in her crib & sound asleep.

My best friend violet, who left with me a little over two years ago, always ends up waking up at that time and makes sure that I'm ok as well, as her room is across the hall from me. When it first started, she worried that much that she insisted on me going to see a therapist, however, with my situation, it was not going to be possible.

You see when I was 17, I went to a party with my then boyfriend and some of our friends. We had just finished the last of our exams and were about two months away from graduating. Our footballs quarterback decided the best way to celebrate the fact that we made it through exams was to throw the biggest party of the year.

However that night turned into a night that would traumatise me for possibly the rest of my life. When we had gotten there, we all went straight to the kitchen to grab something to drink, I had decided that night that I was only going to have one drink. I wanted to be able to enjoy this night without the possible hangover the next morning.

After being there for around an hour, I went to see where my boyfriend was at as he went to play beer pong with his mates while I danced with the girls, however when I got to the beer pong tables, I found my boyfriend sitting on the lounge nearby with some random girl making out while she was straddling him.

To say that I was surprised and pissed was an understatement. After I reefed her off of him and slapped him in the face, he proceeded to tell me that it had been going on for quite a while and that I should get over myself as it was all my fault that he was doing it in the first place. At this point I couldn't stay there and listen to his shit any longer, it's not like we hadn't had sex, as he is the one I lost my virginity to, but I wasn't giving him sex often enough which was why he decided to go elsewhere and then blame it on me. Two years of my life in this relationship now waisted.

After I had left the party, I realised that I had drove there with my friends and I didn't want to make them end their night early just because of me so I decided to just walk home. I only lived 15 minutes away so after everything that happened, I thought the walk would do me good. However after walking for around 5 minutes, I thought I could feel and hear someone following me but as soon as I turned around, there was no one there. This feeling had been happening on and off for around a year now, always feeling like someone is watching me and following me, but there was always never someone there. So like every other time, I put it down to that it was just in my head.

I kept walking and ignoring the gut feeling that I was getting once again until I got home. My parents decided to stay in the city that night as they were working on a major project and the deadline was getting closer so they wanted to work through the night to then come home in the morning, so I had the house all to myself to be able to wallow around in my own pain for a while without being pounded with questions from my parents.

After getting inside, shutting and locking the doors, I decided to take a nice long hot shower to start off with before curling up in bed to then cry myself to sleep. I had been in the shower for around 25 minutes before deciding it was time to hop out, I walked into my bedroom and walked to my dresser to get my underwear and pajamas out when the next thing I know,  my hair was being yanked back, I was being turned slightly to then be kneed in the gut a couple of times and then shoved into the bed, face and stomach downwards.

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