Chapter 13 - Violet's POV

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off as I had a classes today, the first one being at 9am, so I needed to be awake by 7:30. I was half expecting to feel like a zombie as usual.

I don't blame Savannah for it at all, she is doing the best she can. I wish that there was more that I could do to help her but I also know that until that psychotic bastard is caught and gone from our lives forever, what we are doing now is all we can do.

However, the zombie like feeling doesn't appear. It dawns on me that I didn't wake up to any screaming last night, I don't even think she screamed at all last night. "What the crap."

I went to get up out of bed only to find that I'm being held down. I looked down to find an arm draped over me and then I remembered, Ashton joined me last night. We had been kind of getting to know each other here and there since we first met as we also had a couple of classes together, but we got to talking some more last night. I then invited him to come and sleep in my bed with me last night and so here we are.

No we didn't have sex or anything like that, especially not with Scarlett's bedroom being next to mine. We may have kissed a couple of times though and then just snuggled while falling asleep.

I tried to move his arm off of me while trying not to wake him however it didn't work. He started to groan a little and while changing his position slightly that his facing me properly.

"Hey, where are going?"

"I have a class at 9am. Gotta get up to get ready."

"Well that sucks. Well I may see you there a bit later. I have a class at 11."

I chuckle a little bit and nod my head. "Ok. Get a bit more sleep if you want."

He nods his head at that but before he does got back to sleep, he pulls the back of my head in for a kiss.

"Cya baby." And with that he goes back to sleep.

I get up and start getting dressed quickly as I am honestly curious as to where Savannah is and as to how it is that she didn't wake up screaming last night.

Before I head down stairs though, I hear Scarlett open up her door.

"Hey aunty Vi"

"Morning baby, you wanna come downstairs with aunty?"

She nods her head yes and comes running up to me for me to pick her up which I do in a heart beat. I bring her in for a hug while starting to walk down the stairs.

When we get downstairs, I decide to check the living room first and there i see Savannah sleeping on the lounge snuggled up into Logan. The sight was honestly picture perfect, like something out of a children's fairytale book. Savannah deserves this more than anyone I know, both her and Scarlett do. I can already see how Scarlett is getting attached to Logan and vice versa. Hopefully Savannah will be able to let her guard down just a little bit to allow a little space for him in both of their lives, not just as friends, but as something more.

I quickly whisper to Scarlett that we will need to keep quiet as everyone is still sleeping but once I finished whispering that, I seen Logan pop his head up slightly.

"Morning." He says in a raspy morning voice that sounded hot as hell. Savannah is one very lucky woman.

"Morning. I'm gonna take Scarlett into the kitchen with me."

"No worries. I'll be there in a sec. Just don't want to wake up Sav."

I nod my head and start heading towards the kitchen. I decided to bring Scarlett's high chair into the kitchen with me for her to sit in while I get us some breakfast but before I could, Logan walked in and Scarlett got overly excited and put her arms out for him. He instantly took her and she gave him a cuddle while he was whispering to her.

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