Chapter 25 - Savannah's POV

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"Wait.....Your What?"

"I'm an underground fighter"

My mind started reeling at this point. Not knowing how to feel about it, not wanting to truly believe it. I removed my hands from his, shooting up from where i was sitting and started pacing the bedroom.

Part of my brain started running scenarios through its head, like it's trying to figure out whether we should be running for the hills right now, especially given everything that i have already been through. But i have never felt more safe than when i am with him, like I know that deep down he would never hurt me, not intentionally anyway.

While i was still in my own head, pacing around, Logan started talking which brought me out of my head and to a stand still.

"Sav, i know that you probably have a million thoughts going through your head and given everything that you just told me, that you don't know whether you should trust me to be around you or Scar, but i promise you baby, I'm not a dangerous violent man. I would never, ever, hurt you or Scar."

I looked up at him at this point, still at a distance from him.

"But how do i know that what you say, you mean."

"How do i make you feel when i am around you, when i am close to you, when i am holding onto you?"

"Safe. Like no one in this world will ever be able to hurt me again."

"Then listen to those feelings baby, because that is the honest truth. You will never be hurt by me. I would give my life to protect you. The only people that i would be hurting is the people that threaten to harm the people that i care about and love, and i do care so deeply about you and Scarlett Sav. The feelings i have for you are so intense that it is beyond what i have ever felt before."

"But you also hurt people when you fight in the underground. You say that you only hurt the people that threaten harm to those you care about, but what did those people ever do to you?"

"Sav, the fights are for money, the people i fight, they pay to get into that ring to fight who ever they are versing, whether it's me or someone else. I don't go just picking any random in the crowd and just start pummelling their ass. Like is that what you honestly think i do? Do i really give off the impression that i just go around doing that?"

The look on his face is a mix of anger and hurt and honestly right now, i can't blame him. I knew what i had said was just my anxiety and paranoia jumping out, and that i knew he wasn't just beating people up for the hell of it, but i just couldn't stop myself from saying it. Now i feel like the biggest dick in the world.

"No. No i honestly don't believe that you do that. I'm sorry for what i said. Just with everything that has transpired tonight both my anxiety and paranoia are starting to merge in with my thinking and it's definitely not a good mixture to have together. I really do trust you Logan. I trust that you would never intentionally hurt Scarlett or myself. I trust that you would do everything in your power to protect us. It's just something that i have to try and get use to, between you wanting to protect us to also being a fighter."

I notice after i stopped talking that Logan had started to approach me, my eyes going straight up into his, staring into the eyes that first made me fall for this amazing, sweet, extremely sexy man. The closer he gets to me, the more that my mind starts to clear up, allowing it to think straight.

When he reaches me, he rests one hand onto my hip with the other cupping my face, his thumb stroking my cheek.

"I care about you soo much Sav. I don't know when it happened, but if something were to happen to you are Scar, I'm pretty sure my heart would shatter into a million pieces, beyond repair. You guys have become my whole world. Please let me protect you guys. Let me keep you guys safe. Let me be the person that you can depend on most, as a friend, a lover, a partner in crime and in life."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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