Chapter 24 - Logan's POV

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Tonight surprisingly wasn't too bad considering i ended up entering into two fights instead of just the arranged one that i was originally told about the other day. I definitely wasn't intending on entering into a second fight but when Oliver approached me saying that someone requested a fight with me and that the prize money for this single fight would be for seventy thousand dollars. I had already finished the first fight and of course i won that one, so i thought why not....i had a little time to spare before i really needed to get home so i agreed.

I'll admit the guy put up a good but of course it wasn't enough. He ended up tapping out allowing me to win the fight. I was currently in my dressing room gathering up the last of my things. Ash was currently standing near the Tv until with his phone out with a slight smile on his face. I knew there is only one person that he could be texting right now that would cause him to be smiling like that and that's Violet.

Ashton has been through all lot though out his life, to the point that he didn't want to feel an emotional connection with anyone, not wanting to go through the emotional turmoil of his past ever again. But to see him taking the plunge again with Violet, it's actually the best thing that i have witnessed in quite a while. I'm happy that he is happy once again, nobody deserves it more than he does.

I finally had everything together and was itching to get the hell out of here and get home to Sav. The thought of being able to come home to a woman as amazing as Sav is like something that i never thought i would get the chance to do and i can only hope that i will get the chance to do this as often as i want, which if i had it my way would be every day and night.

We started heading towards the office to quickly grab the winnings before heading out the front doors. Oli was talking to a few people and he knew that i was in a rush to get home, so he quickly excused himself to quickly get me the money from his office. Once he handed it over, Ashton and i started heading out the door, but just before we exited, Oli yelled out.

"Oi Logan, wait a sec."

Both Ash and i stopped where we stood and turned around, watching Oli approach us. Once he reaches us, he starts talking again.

"We have a couple of fights coming up this Saturday, the pot is high for both fight."

"Can i get back to you on that one. Just need to check my schedule for this week."

"Yer not a problem my boy. Get home and see ur girls."

"Thanks Oli. Will talk to you later."

And with that we continued our way out towards my car, placing the money into the back seat and getting into the drivers seat. Once the car turned on, the music started blasting through the speakers with the last song that i had playing which happened to be, Are You Ready by Three Days Grace.

While driving, my mind starts to linger onto sav again. I honestly can't seem to fathom as to how i got so lucky to meet such an amazing woman as her. I have never had the best of luck in the world and even though i have managed to make a life for myself in some sort of a way, it still doesn't compare. If someone told me that i have to choose between my money or her and Scarlett, the decision would be a no brainer. The choice will always be them, no matter the circumstances.

The more that i think about her, the more that i want to make things official, i want to make her mine completely. But I'm not sure if it's rushing it though. We have technically only known each other for a short amount of time but for once in my life, every part of myself is in sync with itself and collectively its telling me that sav and Scarlett is all i will ever truly need in this life.

A moment later, I'm pulling into the garage of my apartment building. I honestly barely remember the drive, which should seem quite scary but for some reason, it just made the drive seem so much quicker with my mind being in the state that it was in. As soon as i park up, i hope out of the car. Still seeing Sav's car here starts to make me seriously happy and it also reminds me that i still need to look at some SUV's to get of my own. I was serious when i said that i would get one in order to make sure that i am able to travel around safely with both Savannah and Scarlett in the car.

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