Chapter 14 - Savannah's POV

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As I get into my bathroom attached to my bedroom I start texting Vi.

"Hey just letting you know I'm up, I was told to txt you when I did so what's up?"

"Are you aware of the fact that you didn't have a nightmare last night?"

"What are you talking about, of course I did."

"No, you didn't. I even try to scope out any information from Logan this morning and he said that it was the best nights sleep that he had had in a long time."

"HOLY CRAP!! Are you serious right now."

"Yer. I think it was coz you had Logan laying with you and holding you in a protective manner, like you body and mind knew it was protected."

"Holy fucking shit!!!! I'm actually only realising now that I don't feel like absolute shit like I usually do due to the lack of sleep."

"But how will we know for sure if that's the reason why? The last thing I want is for Logan to know about the nightmares before I even have a chance to tell him everything when I'm good and ready."

"Well I mean I'm assuming that he wouldn't be staying tonight so I guess we could use that as a tester, to see if whether you have a nightmare or not."

"I guess we could do that. God, am I completely nuts for half hoping that it's true. What the hell is wrong with me?"

"In normal circumstances, I would say yes, but because it's you and giving the situation, I say it's not. Lol haha"

"Hahahahaha. Alright well I will see you later"

"Ok, see you later on."

I couldn't believe it. I actually slept through the entire night last night without having a nightmare, without being reminded of that night and it's possibly all because of Logan. I can't believe that I didn't even notice it when I first woke up.

I finished my business in the bathroom and walked back downstairs to the living room. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by Ashton, Michael, Tristan, Samantha, Daniella and Indiana, however they were getting ready to leave.

"You guys are leaving?"

Samantha ended up being the one to speak for all of them.

"Yer we all have classes today unfortunately." She says while giggling.

"Well that sucks ass. Thank you so much for coming guys. I really did have a good time." I said smiling at them all. They all then come in and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek goodbye. They also quickly said goodbye to Scarlett and Logan as well before they all left.

I then turned around and noticed Logan leaning against the wall that leads into the dining room. He was looking at me both sweetly and intensely, Making me feel like the only girl in the world that he see's.

"See something you like?" I have no idea where the boldness has come from and I'm not sure if it's dangerous for me to do this.

He then starts walking towards me, slowly, while still staring deep into my eyes. Once he gets to me, he puts one hand on my hips and he brings the other one up to cup the back of my neck.

"Always baby" and with that he brings me in to meet my lips with his. It start out slowly, his lips tasted absolutely amazing, I don't think I could ever get enough of this. The most start to become more intense, my mouth moving in rhythm with his, at his pace. He then starts sticking his tongue out and start licking my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which of course I knew might have been a mistake but I couldn't seem to resist him, I opened my mouth and allowed him the access that he seeked. Our tongues started moving against each other, fighting for dominance which of course he ended up winning. What had started out as a soft kiss ended up turning into a full on make out session. I snaked both of my arms around the back of his neck, with on of hands snaking up into his hair which decided to then grab some and lightly grip, enough for him to let out a deep growl from his throat, got that was sexy as hell.

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