The price of Gold

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It's been about a week since I came to Storybrooke and I can tell you now I hate it here. I've been living in the RV ever since Mary Margret kicked me out and it wasn't too bad inside it had everything you would need but sadly no food. I had a few packs of pot noodles in my bag which was good for the first few days but I am craving some other kinds of food.

I decided to go and walk into town and get myself some food. I was walking along the street when I saw Emma talking to who I believe was the officer of this town.

"Hey Emma, I'm Kim," I say looking at the guy.

"Hey Kim, this is Graham sheriff of Storybrooke," Emma says.

"Nice to meet you Kim, I haven't seen you around are you now?" Graham says.

"Yeah, I came to Storybrooke about a week ago and have been living in an RV because I keep getting kicked out of places."

"Wait the abandoned one in the forest." I nod. "You can't be living there it's dangerous."

"Well, when you've been kicked out of two places in 2 days it's difficult to find someone to stay with. But I'm fine living in the RV, it's cozy." I reply. "Well, I need to go grab some food from the store, catch ya later Emma."

"Bye Kim" Emma and Graham say in unison.

I walked up to the store and started picking out some food luckily August gave me some nice cash. I haven't seen him since and I don't want to be calling him Pinocchio in front of everyone.

I was in line to pay and I saw Regina walk up to me.

"I hear you have been living in the abandoned RV in the woods." She says.

"One yes I have and two how do you know, I only told Graham and Emma?" I reply.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere sweetie. Now, I'm going to let you stay at mine since I can't have you staying in an old RV."

"Now why would you want me to stay at yours? You're the reason why I keep getting kicked out of places."

"Well dear, let's just say I thought you would be a bad influence on Henry so I needed to keep you away. And since you kindly agreed you can live with me for as long as you like."

"Wait you did all that to keep me away from Henry. That's crap. But I will take you up on your offer as I need a better bed to sleep on."

I pay for my groceries and leave with Regina. We hop into her car and drive off to her place. Once we arrived I noticed her house was HUGE.

"You do quite well for yourself madame mayor," I say walking up the path.

"I try my best Ms. Umm what's your surname?"

"Clark, Kim Clark," I reply.

"Well Ms Clark, I try my best. Now let's get you to your room." I nod my head and we head inside her house. God this place is gorgeous.

"Follow me dear," Regina says and we walk up the stairs. We walk down the corridor and we enter a small bedroom with the basics inside. A bed, desk, chair, towels and a small TV.

"You will be staying here dear. I'll let you settle in and dinner will be at 6 pm." Regina says closing the door.

"Thank you," I say.

I sat on the bed for a while thinking about everything. What's the point of being in Storybrooke when everyone hates me and I'm not the person to break the curse? What am I going to do? 

Later on, Henry came into my room. 

"Hey Kim, can I ask you something?" 

"Sure kid, what's up?" I say.

"Do you believe in magic? Like the one in fairytales." He says. My heart drops. Does he know?

"I don't understand what you mean Henry." 

"You know, like the tale of Snow white." He says.

"I don't know kid I haven't thought about it. Why are you asking?"

"I have this book filled with stories and I think you're in it." God he knows. This couldn't happen at a worse time. 

"Who am I then?" I ask already knowing what he is going to say.

"You're Y/n first daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Also Emma's older sister." He explains.

"Look Henry I know you know, but I can't have anyone know I'm here. Back in the Enchanted Forest, they spent most of their time searching for the Evil Queen while I was in my room bored out of my mind feeling like I was a mistake and forgotten. God, I'm opening up to a ten-year-old." I say.

"I know how you feel, but your parents love you." 

"No they don't Henry, I never got to spend five minutes with them, I spent most of my time with Johanna. I got to go Henry. Don't look for me. I need some time alone." I say and walk out of my room. 

I walked through the streets of Storybrooke I noticed a familiar bike. Pinocchio's or should I say August. I walked over to him and knocked on the back of his helmet.

"Hey stranger," I say as he turns around.

"Y/n, it's good to see you. Have you changed your name?" I nod.

"It's Kim here. Kim Clark. I hate it here August, I've been kicked out and Henry knows who I am. Why me? Why me?" I say tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey, hey. It's alright. I'm staying here for a while maybe you can stay with me. And Henry knows because Emma is the savior the one to break the curse." He told me.

"Wait. Are you saying that Emma is my sister? The who went with us in the wardrobe." He nods. I start to tear up again. My little sister is here, and she doesn't even know it yet.  

"Well let's find Emma and tell her that I'm her sister then," I say. 

We walk around the streets and I find Emma sitting on a bench. Looks like she's thinking like crazy. 

"Hey Emma, can I talk to you?" I ask. 

"Hey Kim, yeah sure. Sorry, a lot has happened today. I just drove a girl to the hospital to give birth." Wow, I was not expecting that. 

"Ok, wasn't expecting to hear that. Ok, so I know this is going to be hard to believe, but we're sisters. I'm guessing Henry has told you about the book and It's true all of its true. We are the daughters of Snow White and Prince Charming." I explain to her. Her jaw drops in shock.

"You know when Henry told me that these stories are real, I thought he just had a wild imagination, but it looks like you're following him. Kim, it's not real and you're not my sister. Just stay away from me. You're crazy." And with that, I left her and decided maybe I shouldn't be here. I walked back to the RV and stayed there for the rest of the day. 

Maybe one day, everyone will realize that I'm not crazy and they will love me. And with that thought I drifted of to sleep. 

A/n- I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next Chapter will be out either on Monday or Tuesday. 

Jen x 

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