Queen of Hearts

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We made our way to Rumplestiltskin's cell and I remembered what happened last time I was here. 

I walked around the castle bored out of my mind when I noticed one of the guards looking suspicious. I decided to follow him just for entertainment purposes as a four-year-old. I walked quietly behind him when I realized he was leaving the castle. Johanna always told me not to leave the castle but since there's a guard in front of me it should be fine. We kept walking until he took a turn that led to the dungeons. Why is he going down there? I thought Grumpy was down there today. I followed him down to the dungeons to see a man in a cell. He looked old and was that gold all over him or is it just me? 

"Rumplestiltskin. Here is your food." He said as he approached the cell with a small brown bag in his hand. 

"Oh thank you, dearie. Now run along." Rumplestiltskin replied. With that, he left but I managed to hide before he could see me. Once I knew he was gone I walked up to his cell. 

"Hi, who are you?" I asked.

"Dearie, can't you see I'm trying to eat? Please leave." I started leaving but as I turned around he yelled. "Wait! Y/n is it, such a pretty name. Forgotten daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. What's it like to be left alone by your own Mommy and Daddy?" He said.

"I am not forgotten. Mama and Daddy are just protecting me. Now who are you?" I asked him.

"Rumplestiltskin at your service. And no, they are not protecting you there trapping you like they are with me." He replied. 

"Be quiet Rumplestiltskin. Enjoy your food. I hope you choke." I said and turned around. 

"Have fun being forgotten, child." He said while I was still walking away. A few tears fell down my cheek but I brushed them off and made my way to Johanna, she might be panicking that she can't find me. 

"Huh. Rumplestiltskin's cell. I haven't been here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the Savior." Mary Margret said as we entered the cell. 

"I haven't been here since I followed one of the guards because I was bored," I said. Mary Margret looked at me strangely. 

"He knew?" Emma asked. 

"Oh, it was prophesized. Come on. Wait, you have been here before. Why?" Mary Margret asked as she stopped in front of me. 

"I was bored. I followed the guard for entertainment purposes and met Rumple, he kept telling me how I was forgotten and I believed." I said looking down. 

"You are not forgotten. You are my first daughter and I never forgot about you. I was protecting you." She said. I looked up and gave her a small fake smile. 

"Well, Rumple here didn't think so. But it's fine the only person who didn't believe that was Johanna." I said and walked off. I know I should forgive her but it's too soon. Maybe when we get back to Storybrooke but It is not happening soon. 

"The squid ink... it's not here." Aurora said. Yeah, I'm not getting back soon. 

"Gold said we would find it. Mary Margret pointed out.

"Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan asked.

"No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact." Mary Margret said.

"How'd he keep from going crazy? And how did you get to see him?" Emma asked looking at me. 

"It's called being bored at four years old," I said giving a bit of sass.  

Looks like I fell for you Captain/ Killian Jones x reader/ OuatWhere stories live. Discover now