The Cricket Game

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The next day, Emma, Henry, and I went to the shops to get some food for the party tonight for the return of Mom, Emma, and me. Once we got what we needed we headed back to the loft. Emma unlocked the door and Henry walked in first followed by Emma and me. 

"Hey, guess what. Taco shells were on sale." Henry announced as he walked in but stopped in front of Mom and Dad. I walked over to where Henry was standing to see the two of them in bed. 

"Apparently, tacos are not a big item in the Enchanted..." Emma said speechless. 

"What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon." Henry said. I couldn't help but chuckle at that since he didn't understand what they were doing. 

"The trip back was tiring, and I needed to rest." Mom said. 

"And I needed to... help her... rest," Dad said. God I am going to kill them. Traumatized. 

"Uh, let's-let's go make the tacos. We have to make a lot because there's gonna be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight." Emma said taking Henry to the kitchen. 

"We thought you were gonna be back later," Mom whispered. 

"Yeah, well, we weren't, so maybe next time you could put a tie on the door or send a text or..." I paused for a second. "You know what? I'm...I'm gonna go make some tacos." I said before leaving them. 

"It's impressive that we can still provide them with a few traumatic childhood memories at this stage of the game," Dad whispered but I could still hear them. I covered my ears before I could hear anything else. I looked over to them and they both started to laugh at me. "Come on," Dad said and they got out of bed. 


Later that night we were all down at Granny's having a nice time, well it was okay but I needed a shot or a few right this second. I walked over to the counter and got myself four shots. I needed this.

"I wasn't worried a bit," Ruby said to Mom.

"I can tell," Mom replied. I downed all of my shots and walked over to Mom, Dad, and Emma. 

"Oh, we all missed you," Archie replied. 

"Tacos. I cannot tell you the relief of cooking something that I didn't have to kill first." Emma said. 

"Don't I know it. Meatloaf back home? What a bitch."  Granny said and I chuckled. 

"I just wanted to, uh, thank you all for joining us tonight. Mary Margaret and I, we have a saying, that we will always find each other, and while I believe that with all my heart, I'd like you all to raise your glasses and join me when I say, here's to not having to look for a while. To Mary Margaret, Emma, and Y/n. Dad said and we all cheered just then the door opened.

"Sorry, I'm late," Regina says and she walks through the door. 

" What is she doing here?" Dad says picking up a knife. 

"I invited her," I say. And Mom and Dad take me and Emma to the side for a conversation. 

"We're celebrating today, because of Regina. She helped us get home. No matter what she did in the past, we owe her our thanks now." Emma says. 

"Plus I would probably still be unconscious if it wasn't for her." Dad looked at me strangely. "When we were climbing out the well Emma kicked my head and next thing I knew I was on the ground. But I could still hear everything. Then Regina used her magic and woke me up."

"Didn't you think to tell us about it?" Dad asks. 

"I did, but you two were a little busy this afternoon," I say thinking back to what happened when we came back from the store. 

"Y/n! She tried to kill us, yesterday." Mom says. 

"No, she didn't. She's trying to change for Henry. He believes in her, and right now that's enough for me. I couldn't have changed if I wasn't given a chance, so... she gets one, too." Emma says. "And because of her Y/n is awake. so cut her some slack, please." She says. 

"I'm glad you came." I hear Henry say to Regina.

"See Mom, Henry needs to be able to see his other Mother. And no Emma I am not quoting Coraline." I say looking at her. She chuckles and we continue with our night. 

I walked over to the bar and got a few more shots to the fact I was just a little tipsy. After about 10 shots I walked over to Dad but it was more like stumbling because I couldn't walk properly. 

"Helllloooo Father dearest." I slur out.

"Okay you have had enough to drink, let's get you home." He replies grabbing my arm and putting it around his shoulder. 

"Ayy! I am living my life right now. I am an adult. I am 35 and a half, I can make my own decisions." I say but at the end of it, I am almost falling. 

"Alright let's get you to bed." He says picking me up bridal style and taking me out of Granny's diner. He takes me back to the loft and puts me down on his bed. 

"Now, here's a drink of water if you need it in the night. And if you need me just call me." Dad said placing a glass of water on the bedside table. 

"Okay, goodnight Dad," I say slowly closing my eyes. 

"Goodnight sweetie." He says kissing my forehead and leaving the room. 

No one POV-

"She's asleep. God, how many drinks did she have?" Dad asked Emma.

"Good. And I have no idea. At the state, she was in I think about ten or eleven maybe more." Emma replied. 

"Well, at least she is home now." Mary Margret says. 

"Yeah, thank god we never had to deal with a drunk child back home, I wouldn't know what to do," David says.

"Well, I am going to bed guys goodnight," Emma says and she hugs them both before leaving.

"Goodnight." Mary Margret and David say. 


Back to Reader POV-

The next day I woke up with a pounding headache. The last thing I remember was telling Mom and Dad that Regina saved my life. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to make some coffee. While the kettle was boiling I checked my phone to see if I got any messages, when I noticed I got a message from Emma at 10 pm last night. I opened it up to see a video of me almost falling over while Dad held onto my shoulders. God, I was a mess. 

Once the kettle was done I made myself a coffee and sat on the sofa and just scrolled on my phone. I looked at the time and noticed it was 4pm. WOW, I was out for a long time. I wonder where everyone else is? I got changed and left the loft to see where my family was. 



Hey guys, I wanted to make this episode long because I felt like it was needed. Plus she wouldn't have been able to help her family with Regina as she was asleep and had a bad hangover. But if you don't agree with Y/n loving alcohol then I could change it, but I think it would be good as Y/n and Hook will have some common interests in that. Like in season 3 when David is cheering for Hook and takes his rum bottle, Y/n could be able to drink it like water with no reaction. But that's only an idea, let me know what you think. 

Also, another thing would you like me to have season 7 into this book? When I watched the show I was told that season 7 wasn't good and I did agree so I only watched the last 2 episodes. And right now I am rewatching it so I would like to know if you would want the last season involved. If not I will figure out an idea on how to end it. I will ask you guys to give me some ideas when I get to the near end of season 6 but that is a long time for now. Sorry for waffling. Bye

Jen x

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