The Beginning

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Marjorie's POV:

These seminars are going to be the death of me. To make this nightmare hell, Reece and i have to be squashed into a tiny room together all day.
why did he send autumn those flowers. To think i thought i meant more to him than just being a colleague. I actually started to fancy him aswell. Oh well single marjorie remains.
Right i have finally made it let's get this thing over with shall we.

"Hi yes marjorie from the nursery, can i sign in?"

"of course you can!" said the receptionist as she scribbled my name down and passed me a pen and form
"these questions will have to be filled out in the seminar as an activity."

"okay thanks" i respond sighing as i walk into to the room. the room is a square shape with a round table filling most of the space. a brunette lady stands at the front , just infront of a large projector.
i look over to my left and spot him. he's sitting there looking down and slouching in his chair. i miss him. why did i have to go and mess things up.
"hi" i say sliding into the chair next to him
no reply. great.

Reece's POV:

i watch her walk in. god she is beautiful. if only i could just be with her already. i look down quickly before she catches me leering at her. i see her out of the corner of my eye walk towards and mutter a 'hi'.
i dont even have the energy to respond.
The lady at the front begins to talk about our first activity.

"this first trust exercise, i would like you to stand infront of your partner fall back and let them catch you in their arms"

"what???" me and marjorie both say in unison.

"it's a great icebreaker to start things off and the contact gets rid of any awkwardness!"

"yeha no we aren't doing that" i say looking at marjorie but oh god how i wish we could.

"oh okay well then why don't you and your partner pick up your pens and you can do the first exercise together."

this day is going to drag. i reach for one of the biro pens in the pot infront of me when i suddenly feel a hand on top of mine. i look over to see marjorie apologising.

"sorry i didn't mean to.. grab you hand."

i sigh and pull my hand back towards my body.
"it's fine" i say. it's not fine. this woman drives me crazy.

Marjorie's POV

The rest of the day felt more like the rest of my life. I was still trying to overcome the awkwardness and embarrassment from earlier whilst also trying to come to terms with the fact reece saw me as a distraction. finally the lady says we can have a break. i see reece get up to leave and my stomach drops. what happened to us.
"i'm going" he says abruptly before storming out of the room.
i am not going to let him jsut leave. i know something more is happening i need to get to the bottom of this !

"i'm calling you out reece"
i catch up to him and let all my feelings out. how i don't get how he can just suddenly turn to so cruel, how i know mia is threatening him, how i can look after myself. and he explains the dead flowers. how mia sends them to people, how she blackmails people.

"marjorie i cant let you get hurt. mia's gonna cause a lot of problems for you"

"well thank god i think your worth all this aggro"

he leans closer to me and i feel the air grow hot. the tension and closeness has made me begin to sweat. he never breaks eye contact though as he leans down closer to my lips.

"cmon you two, back inside!"

ugh. will we ever get to kiss. actually it's probably a good thing as he is still in a relationship. me and reece say our goodbyes as i head back tot he seminar and he goes to break up with mia. the next four hours are like a living hell but somehow i can't wipe the smile from off of my face.


Marjorie's POV:

i miss reece. i can't believe we actually ahve a chance of being together. mia has already made an appearance by smashing my car up but i don't really mind, it was old anyways. beside it means i get to drive in with reece every morning when he picks me up. like this morning.
I see reece pull up outside to my house and apply a thin layer of lipgloss. not for him. for me... obviously.
i open the door before he can even ring the doorbell.

"hey you" he says smiling
"hi" i say looking up at him with heavy eyes. i'm so tired.
"aw love you look so tired"
love? gosh we aren't even official yet but the words make my face flush.
"love?" i say "do you not thing your rushing things a bit Mister" i smirk and i turn to lock my door.
"it's been a week! that's a long time!"
i look up at him and face immediately grows hot.
"we have kissed like 3 times Reece."
"no 6 times actually!!"
"you count our kisses??" i say frowning at him
"uh.. maybe" he says smiling "besides the point,"
i laugh at his attempt to change the subject.
"i'm guessing that means you don't like my nickname then?" he says as he walks to his car and opens the door for me.
"i never said that. it can stay for now" i laugh as i slide into the passenger seat and out my seatbelt on.
"anyways liek i was saying" he says, "you look shattered, do you not think a morning off would do you good?"
"nope my anxiety would be through the roof!"
i say pulling down the sun shield , to look in the mirror.
i pull out my lipgloss and apply another thin layer.
"okay, but i think it would be good for you"
i mimicked him in a silly tone and he turns to look at me with stern eyes.
"marjorie stop it, i have known you for a while now. you need a break."
"im fineeee" i say as i out my lipgloss bakc in my bag. we arrive at the nursery shortly after and he walks me in. when we get to my office i take off my coat and he hangs it up for me. Autumn is already there typing i. her computer.
"hello marjorie, big brother." she says not looking up from the screen.
"hello autumn how are you this morning?"
"i'm fine.. how are you. you seem like you have ahd a good night."
"why would i have had a good night?"
autumn looks at me, then reece then back at me.
"what no!! he just drove me in.. that's all."
"oh" sh replies fixating her eyes back at the screen.

i look at reece  and he is smirking. he walks over to my desk and kisses my forehead.
"7 now" i smile as i look up at him
"gosh we are moving fast"
i laugh as he moves the hair away from my face
"i'll call you when im back at the nursery, okay?"
"okay" i say smiling and blushing
"see you later"
god i think i'm falling for him.

First chapter !! enjoy

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