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Marjories POV:
after mia left, i was stuck on what to do. never speak to reece again? i don't think that's possible. there again, it might be better because everytimr i do speak to him, i just long for him to be with me. this is such a mess.

time skip to next weekday

Reeces POV:
i saw a show with autumn a few nights ago and i was so nice to get out. now me and marj have been split for almost a month, i rarely see anyone outside of work. this morning, i went straight to the office where mia was already there.

'mia' i say nodding my head and sitting at my desk
'reece!' she says walking over to me
'your not working here today. your supposed to be at the sister nursery' i say looking down
'i know. i just need to speak to you' she says glaring at me, 'i went to marjorie's last night'
i hear marjorie's name and my head shoot's up and our eyes meet
'what did you do mia?' i question
'nothing you need to know about. what i'm saying is, if you don't get back w me and you keep talking to marjorie, she is going to experience something pretty awful' she says her smirk growing bigger
'like what mia?'
'well i have met with an old friend who has some ideas. you may know him. it's kenny killerman'
i froze when she said his name
'name ring any bells' she snarls
'what's he going to do to her?' i say standing up
she shrugs her shoulders before saying,'he can be pretty bad though'
my mind spins. i ahve to get with mia and break all contact with marjorie or kenny may hurt her? kenny is so much worse than mia. but marjorie told me not to get back with her!
'no mia im not doing that' i proclaim after a few minutes silence
her smirk drops, 'fine, let me just find kenny's number'
i try to ignore her but thinking about what kenny's capable and what he could do to marj kills me.
'hey kenny. he didn't agree to my offer. you know what to do. perfect' she says hanging up the phone and looking at me, 'well done reece, that's gonna cause marjorie a lot of pain and stress'
'mia i'm not falling for your threats' i say shouting after her as she leaves. i really hope this is just a threat

Marjorie's POV:
i arrive to the office on time for the first time in weeks. i log into the computer and begin answering a few emails.
'hello' autumn says as she walks in, somewhat of a smile on her face.
'hey, you seen happy this morning' i reply
'hm me and reece just went out to see a show a few nights ago' she says as she sits down and logs onto her computer
my heart aches after hearing what fun autumn and reece had. i miss when me and reece used to have fun. it was a different kind of fun to seeing a show but still, he made me feel happy.

'glad you had a good time' i say forcing a smile
'wish it was you?' autumn replys looking at me
'no' i say bluntly not giving her eye contact
'cmon, do you wish it was you? no point lying marjorie, i can read you like a book' she says and i can feel the look becoming a glare.
'well if you can read me you must already know the answer' i say raising my eyebrow as i bite back

i think autumn gathered i wasn't in the mood to talk, as she didn't mention anything else about reece that day.

time skip to that night
still marjorie's pov

i got home around 6.30 and got straight in my pjs. i had some crisps for my tea and settled down to finish friends.
i hear my doorbell go and reluctantly drag myself to open it.
'knock knock' mia snarks as her and kenny push past me so they are now in my house, and im backed against the door.
'what do you want' i say sighing
'just to let you know, me and reece are genuinely getting close these past few weeks. he is really fond of me. and he is really good in the bedr-'
'ok ok ok' i say cutting her off. reece has gone back to mia. willingly aswell?? for the first time ever, my sadness was overtaken by annoyance. he said he trusted me and wouldn't get back with her. and now he has and she isn't even blackmailing him.

Mia's POV:
ofc me and reece aren't together yet. but i suspect after i tell him we have been to marjorie's and act like we did something to her, he might just take me back.

'anyways i think you need to go,' marjorie says, obviously hurt by thinking me and reece are together. good she deserves it.
'where's kenny?' she asks
'i think he in your lounge' i laugh as she walks into her living room to find kenny trashing the place. rubbish everywhere, pictures smashed, light bulbs broken.
i can tell her reaction is going to be hilarious so i grab my phone and press record in my pocket.
'ugh!' she shouts, before pushing kenny outside the house and slamming the door. she turns to face me.

'that man is a pathetic, petty little boy,' she screams pointing to the door, 'i have no business being anywhere near him, i want nothing to do with him. he is evil and backstabbing and i can't believe i let myself go on a date with him. i despise every part of him and wish to never see him again. he is worthless and a freak and deserves nothing in life'
with that she pushed me outside to and slams the door.
that's perfect. i got her little tantrum on video. i know she was talking about kenny but reece wont know that. looks like my plan of getting them to hate eachother is coming together nicely.

mia thought she ate. 😬

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