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Marjorie's POV:
'Home sweet home?' i say unsure as i look around my house. God it is such a mess.
'Yeah sweet isn't exactly the word i would use love. It looks like a bomb has hit this place.'
i smile whilst grabbing a pile of clothes
'That's why you're gonna help
me clean this up!' i say pushing the pile of clothes into Reece's chest.
'Wow what a nice way to start this sleepover.' he says before i hit him on the arm.
'God your so sarcastic' i say grabbing the bin bag and taking it outside. We clean for half an hour until the house looks a lot better. I turn the tv on and slouch down next to Reece on the sofa.

'love your house wouldn't be so messy if you took some time off and looked after your self' he said lifting up his arm and letting me slide underneath it.
'i know, i know' i say laying my head in his chest and playing with his shirt. 'it's just not worth the stress'

'you confuse me baby' he says before playing with my hair.
baby. god he makes my stomach do flips. i can't with this man.
we lay in a comfortable silence for a while. I look at the clock and see the time 7.30.
'Gosh how have we lay here for an hour. cmon let's get up and do soemthing' i say siting up and looking at Reece.
'Like what love?' he says looking at me
'idkkk like something fun' i say fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. 'like maybe what you wanted to do... in the office before?'
'oh i see what you want' reece says before lifting me up over his shoulder and carrying me upstairs
'Reec put me down this is stupid' i sya pounding at his back. 'i can walk'
'hah, you probably won't be able to after this' he says making me gasp.
we finally make it upstairs and he lays me down in my bed. before i know it he climbs on top for me and starts to kiss me.
'are you sure your ready marge?' he says propping himself up, 'we don't have to do anything you don't want'
'shut up and get on with it already' i say before grabbing the back of his head. my fingers interlock and my lips smash against his.

~a while later~

Marjorie's POV:
Both of us impressed with eachothers performances, we lay in bed for a bit. Reece played with my hair and i closed my eyes.
'baby?' god that name kills me.
'what are we?' he says looking at me
'what do you mean?' i sya sitting up.
'like, what are we together.' he says kissing my forehead.
'what do you want us to be?' i say smiling.
'marge i think everyone can see how badly i want for you to be my girlifriend. all im worried about is how you would feel.' he says looking at me
'reece i would love to be your girlfriend. Mia isn't around anymore, we are going to be fine.'
'God your beautiful inside and out' he says before kissing me gently.
'right cmon boyf let's grab some food, im starving.' i say springing up.
'okay' he laughs 'and don't call my boyf ever again'
i smile before making my way to the kitchen, reece following me closely.
i get to the kitchen and open the cupboard. i reach for some crisp and begin to pour us both some lemonade, before i feel arms wrapping around waist. i look over my shoulder and see Reece's face perched on my shoulder. i kiss his nose before continuing to pour us a drink.
'right shall we refuel and then carry on where we left off?' he asks grinning
'you read my mind' i say winking before walking into the lounge.

felt a bit uncomftable writing all the dirty stuff ew haha

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