Jealousy and Revenge

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Reece's POV:

The meal at bella italia is nice. We got in and a waitor came over to order our food. I got a pepperoni pizza and a lemonade and marjorie got spaghetti bolognese.
'so how nice does it feel to get out of the office' i say smiling and grabbing marjorie's hands that are on the table
'it's good, i mean this will be the last time i ever do this but, yeah it's nice' she says looking up at me

'why love?' i see her cheeks paint a ruby red, 'you can leave once in a while, the place isn't going to burn down'
i say gently tucking her hair behind her ears and holding my hand near her chin.
'i know' she says grabbing my hand and holding it, 'i just prefer to be in the middle of the chaos , that's all'

'so we ahve the pizza?' the waitor says hovering the plate above our table,
'for me' i say smiling

'so this must mean the spag bol is for the pretty lady,' he says placing the meal down and slipping something under marjorie's plate.
'enjoy!' he says winking at marge.

Marjorie's POV:

i begin to swizzle my spaghetti around my fork when reece looks at me,
'what?' i say smiling
'nothing, nothing..... what did he put under your plate ?' he says moving my plate to the left
i giggle to myself before moving the plate and unfolding the tiny peice of paper

'hah', i laugh out loud 'it's his number' i say giggling
'his what?' reece says snatching the paper off me, 'ugh i can't believe this does he ahve no respect? i mean i know your absolutely stunning but cmon that's just rude!'
i listen to him ramble on and a smile spreads across my face.
'this is just ridiculous and i can't beli- , what? what's funny?' he says looking at my smile
'nothing, your just so cute' i sya squishing his face with my hands.
'i'm not cute!' he says removing my hand and holding it, 'you weren't going to yk actually text that guy, where you?'
he says looking at me. i squeeze his hand whilst laughing.
'ofc not! you know who i want to be with reece.' i say smiling at him
he smiles at me and continues to eat his pizza. i laugh and continuing eating my spaghetti. once had finished reece insisted on paying and we head back to the car.
'thanks for paying' i say climbing into the passenger seat
'don't even worry about it' he says smiling, 'so bakc to your place?'
'reece it's only 2oclock! i ahve 3 hours left!!'
'cmon take the afternoon off! spend some time with meeeee' , he says leaning over and pouting his lips
'noo reece i have to get back' i say before quickly pecking his lips
'fineeeee be boring , i see show it is,' he says sitting back in the drivers seat
'be quiet' i say giggling

Reece's POV:
We arrive bakc to the nursery and i walk marjorie in.
'she's back' i say pushing the door open and holding it for marjorie to walk in behind me.
'hello marjorie, big brother.' autumn says without even looking up.
'glad to see the nursery is still in one piece.' she says taking my coat off and sitting down in her chair. i come to stand behind her and place my hands on her shoulders.
'yes, it is apart from erm my chair might need to be replaced.' autumn says coughing
'er why?' marjorie say looking at her
'well um' before she can answer winter walks in. he has lipstick smudged all over his face and i can see he is slightly limping.
'hi darling before was magnifi- oh hi marjorie and reece! didn't know you were back so .. erm soon!' he says limping away.

'ew autumn !!' marjorie says looking at her in disgust
'i'm sorry but we had the whole place to ourselves and we didn't see eachother last night as i was working late so we thought we would make up for it?' she says shrugging
'ugh that is gross i don't think i can work here again!' marjorie says as she stands up. she turns to face me and winces as she realises.
i stand looking at her, my head in my hands. no one ever needs to here about there sibling doing that.
'do you wanna go to the spare office' marjorie says grabbing my hand
'marjorie you better not be doing what i think your doing.' autumn says standing up.
'it's called revenge little sis,' i say as  i grab mine and marjorie's coats and go to the spare office.

we run inside and shut and lock the door. i throw the coats on the floor and follow marjorie to the  chair. i sit on it and marjorie straddles me. i gently kiss her lips as she returns back the gesture. i move my kisses slowly down her face and neck. she giggles until she says 'woah slow down mr, let's save this till tonight'
'wow didn't realise we were doing this at our sleepover,' i say smiling as marjorie laughs , 'but what about making autumn jelous?'
'we don't actually have to do anything. i don't want our first time together to be un a spare offic. that's not very sexy.
'your sexy' i say smirking at her
'oh just wait for tonight then i will be even sexier'
'how can you get sexier than this?' i ask laughing whilst pecking her lips.

we spend some time jet together talking and laughing (and maybe a bit of kissing). well i say a bit but we are definelty past 7 now. we look at the time and see it's 5 so decide to go back to the office to quickly finish up some things.
'what are you still doing here?' autumn asks as we walk in
'well i'm going back tot marjorie's in an hour so now point me really going to the other nursery is there?' i say standing behind marjorie and massaging her shoulders. she looks up and pecks my lips before continuing. with her emails. About 3/4 of an hour passed in a confortabke silence. god to think a year ago i couldn't even smile at my sister and now im in a room with her and the girl im falling in love with. i'm so lucky.
'how's mia now?' autumn asks
'she hasn't been in for a week. apparently she's "on holidya" i very much doubt it thought' i say laughing
'but it obvs doesn't bother you now does it?' marjorie says looking up at me.
'ofc not have everyhting i could ever want' i say kissing her again.
'ew get a room your two' autumn syas laughing.
'speaking of getting a room,' marjorie says standing up.' we are off. see you tomorrow autumn.'
i grab mine and marjorie's coats and hold her hand out to the car.
'don't gave too much fun' autumn shouts down the corridor.
i laugh and unlock the car before driving to marjorie's. i put my hand on her thigh the whole btime and ofc she's couldnt stop blushing.

hey queens 😘

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