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Reeces POV:
i get to the office on time and im just about to log on when mia strides through my open door.

'hello reece' she says pulling up a chair and sitting next to me
'again, your not at this nursery today.' i say sighing
'i know, but again i need to speak to you.'
'make it fast' i say already sick of the sight of her

'we went to marjorie's last night and punished her because you didn't get back with me. she also had a lot to say about your reece' she says laughing

'what do you mean' i say confused

'just listen' mia says as she pulls out her phone and plays a video. i listen to it carefully trying to make out every word marjorie shouts.

'that man is a pathetic, petty little boy, i have no business being anywhere near him, i want nothing to do with him. he is evil and backstabbing and i can't believe i let myself go on a date with him. i despise every part of him and wish to never see him again. he is worthless and a freak and deserves nothing in life'

'yeah that's what marjorie said about you' she says closing her phone and putting it into her back pocket

'wow' is all i can say. i didn't know marjorie felt all that about me. after her rant a while back, i thought she still wanted me. clearly not after that. how could she say all that. it sounds like she was waiting for a chance to release this anger.
and i thought that she loved me.

'aw reece don't be upset' mia says grabbing my hand, 'now i will ask you again, get back with me? if you don't we won't hurt marjorie this time, we will hurt someone else'
'who?' i ask
'secret' she says laughing
getting back with mia would go against what i said to marjorie and what i promised her. but clearly she doesn't seem to care about me anymore. how could she say all that?
'fine mia, will you be my girlfriend?' i ask cringing at myself
'yes ofc reece ! i thought you would never ask' with that she pecks my lips and walks out of my office.
i had to do that and protect this 'mystery person' mia and kenny would hurt. i can't believer marjorie said all that. i'm gonna ring her later.

Marjorie's POV:
'he's back with mia' i say to autumn as i walk into the office
'she's blackmailing him again?' she ask looking at me
'no this time he asked her out' i say sitting down, the reality of the situation finally hitting me
'sorry marjorie' autumn says looking back at her computer.
i don't respond and decide to get on with some emails.

after about 20minutes the phone rings.
'hello the nursery' i says sighing and sitting back.
'hello' a familiar voice says
the voice still makes my heart skip a beat.
'shouldn't you be ringing mia' i say sourly
'you know we're back together?' he asks

'yes. and that you took her back. which by the way, thanks for just breaking that promise,' i say rolling my eyes

'well i think at this point we are just made for eachother. you obviously think the same' he says and i can hear anger in his voice

'when have i said that reece. no need to put words in my mouth.'

'hah put words in your mouth. come on marjorie we both know what you said'

'reece stop trying to make me the bad guy' i say ready to hang up the phone

'so im the bad guy?' he says

'when did i ever say that reece' i bite back.

'marjorie stop playing stupid games. i know how you really feel about me, you might as well just admit you hate me.

'stop speaking in bloody riddles. and i would appreciate it if you stopped victimising yourself too.'

'you can talk about playing the victim.' he says he voice getting louder, 'how did i ever fancy you!'

'whatever' with that i hang up the phone and sigh, covering my face with my hands.
and i thought he loved me

clearly didn't if he got back with mia and broke our promise. and what is he talking about, "you obviously think that, i know what you said, admit you hate me." when did i ever even think those words.

'you okay? that conversation sounded heated' autumn asks

'i'm fine im fine. your brother just pisses me off, ugh.' i say a clear sense of anger in my voice

'he probably annoys you because you still fancy him.' she murmurs

'i can hear you autumn and quite frankly i didn't ask why he annoys me. all i know he is back with that conniving bitch because he wanted to. so he obviously doesn't want me' after that i slammed the office door and ran to my car. i drove to the local ice cream parlour and ordered myself the largest ice cream there was. i sat and ate it in my car before driving back to work and pretending like nothing happened.

Marge is so real for the last part tho

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