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Reece's POV:
once i left marjorie's nursery, i went straight to mia, i had to talk to her.

'reece! i knew you'd coming running back' mia says he eyes reflecting it the sunlight. god why did i ever fancy her.

'er no im not here to get back with you' i say sternly looking down, 'me and marjorie broke up, so you leave her alone now okay?'

'hmm idk if not fully done yet. your still not mine reece' mia says stepping towards me

'mia i will never be. just do not hurt marjorie' with that i walk away and make sure to slam the door behind me.

time skip to a few weeks later

Marjorie's POV:
Every time i see reece feelings flood my heart, drowning it. i need him but i knew we had to break up. i haven't seen mia in weeks and from what i know there not back togehter . my plan is working.

i woke up this morning and didn't even bother putting makeup on. i left my hair down in its ratty state and ordered an uber bc my car still isn't fixed. when i got to work autumn was already inside talking to someone. reece. why is he always here when i look rough. ofc he looks better than ever and i just wish i could feel his arms around me again.
they are whispering about something under their breath but i don't bother asking what the topic of their conversation is.

'hey marjorie' autumn says sitting back at her computer
'hi' i nod sitting down and turning on my computer.
'erm right im going to go' reece says clearing his throat.
'okay see you tonight ' autumn says
'bye marjorie' he says looking at me before leaving
'bye reece' i say not looking up from my computer.
he leaves and i hear his car drive off and away from the nursery. or so i think i do.
'marjorie you look...' autumn starts before i interrupt
'yes i know i have looked better. i am just not feeling myself right now' i say not looking at autumn and answering emails
'missing reece?' she says
'no god why is everything about reece. no i dont miss him' i say looking at her
'oh marjorie you aren't fooling anyone' she says sternly glaring at me
'okay fine' i give in ,' so what i miss reece. of course im going to miss him. i think he was the first man i truly loved. he was kind and caring and funny and he always made me laugh okay'
'marjorie-?' she tries to interrupt

'what! what now. still being in denial am i? what do you want? for me admit i would of married him or something!' i say the lack of sleep clearly angering me, 'and i would of married him except people get in the way and things change so yes i am missing him. i need him. i want him but what can i do? it's what's happened'

'no marjorie' autumn says clearing her throat after my rather large rant.
i look around the room to find carly and charlotte peering their heads round the door and low and behold reece in the doorframe
'omg' i mutter under my breath, my checks flooding red. had he been there the whole time.

'i um just forgot my phone' he says walking past my desk to autumns to grab his mobile.

'right' i say my eyes locked on the floor

i hear carly and charlotte walk away but to my surprise here more footsteps coming this way. seconds later mia comes through the door

'omg marjorie you really let it all out didn't you?' mia says smirking. 'i could hear you from the corridor' could this day get any worse?

Reece's POV:
'istg-' marjorie begins standing up out of seat. she looked like she was ready to pounce. i sense her frustration and step in.

'okay let's all calm down.' i say walking infront of marjorie's desk so she can't get out

'reece move' she says tying to shove past me but i stay still frustrating her even more.

'marjorie leave her, just sit back down' i say looking at her

'don't tell me what to do' she shouts finally getting past me so she is face to face with mia

'mia you know people would like you a lot more if you got a life' marjorie begins obviously thirsty for blood

'yes because i see you have one. atleast i'm not lonely like your are. still missing reece?' she says smirking

i look at autumn and she knows what to do. before Marjorie can respond or throw a punch autumn steps on a kicks mias shins. she falls to the ground. obviously can't take it like i can.

'autumn what are you doing-' marjorie starts

'sit back down' i whisper to marjories ear and i can feel her body shiver. she turns around and faces me.

'you know i wish you would stop telling me what to do. i don't know if you have forgotten but your not my boyfriend anymore reece' she says crossing her arms

'and who decided that' i bite back

'reece don't try play that card. we both knew it was for the better. it's not like i wanted to' she says looking at me her tone becoming softer on the last few words.

i pause for a moment before saying
' i trusted you and didn't get back with mia. now trust me when i say it's better if you sit down.' i say looking at her, 'please'
with that she reluctantly sits back in her chair and i turn around to break up mia and autumn.

time skip to that night

reece came back after work to pick up autumn. i think they were going to see a show. i locked up and headed home. i got in the shower then slid on some silk pjs before setting down and watching friends in bed. 5 minutes into the season 4, there's a knock on my door.
i run downstairs and open and to my shock, mia is stood there, with kenny!!!

'mia and... kenny?' i say completely surprised.
'yes. now you and reece are over kenny wants revenge too' mia says looking. at kenny and kenny just smirks
'oh right what a hard man you are. can only torture me now reece has gone because you too scared he will chuck down stairs again?' i say knowing which buttons to press to piss him off.
'oh shut up marjorie you in your pjs at 9 o clock on a friday night' he says
that's his best comeback?
'anwyas,' mia says 'i'm here to let you know, if you speak to reece again, i will torture him... okay?'
then she strolled down my driveway calling kenny to come after her.
she is seriously physco.

marjorie's got a tough decision to make 😯😯

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