Im a grown woman

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Marjorie's POV:
After that crazy weekend, i couldn't face going into work on monday. Reece had to go in though because it was Mia's first day back of her 'holiday' and he didn't want carly being alone with her.
This morning i woke up knowing i had to go in. I didn't mind though because yesterday filled me with so much anxiety not knowing what was happening at the nursery.

I just finished my makeup and hair and was waiting for reece in the living room when i get a knock at the door. i assume it's reece so i open it but to my suprise someone else is stood at my door step.

'marjorie..' the voice whines
'mia? what are you doing here?' i say blocking her from entering my house
'how do you even know where i live?'

'i have my sources' mia says smirking
omg what is happening right now.

'is reece here?' mia asks trying to peer round the door
'uh no he isn't and he won't be for-'
before i could finish my sentence reece's black car pulls up behind mia's. he looks out of the window and realises the situation before quickly getting out of his car and coming to my house.

'mia this is stupid, what are you doing at marjorie's' reece asks pushing past her to stand infront of me

'i wanted to come and get bakc whats mine' she says smiling up at reece

'mia nothing here is yours, okay? so i think its best if you just leave us alone.' i say going to stand infront of reece. he puts his hand out onto my waist, stopping me from going infront of him.

'but reece, we were soo good together' mia says 'and im sure kenny wants to finish your date marjorie'
she steps closer towards me and laughs
how the hell does she know about this!

'mia you blackmailed me' reece says squeezing my waist.
'and that da-' i begin
'that date was mistake and marjorie has realised that now. she is a lot happier with me then she ever would of been with kenny so could you respectfully get the hell out of here before i smash your face in.' reece says interrupting me. i grab his hands as his muscles tense in rage.

'this isnt over' mia says backing away but quickly running as you gets off the drive.

'i don't know why she keeps coming back. she is just torturing me.' reece says grabbing his car keys and unlocking his car as he watches her drive away.

'reece,' i say locking my door and following him to the car,' what was that?'

'what do you mean' reece says as he starts the car and looks at me

'you interrupting me! i'm a grown woman im well able to speak for myself. i dont need you constantly defending me' i say putting of my seatbelt.

'sorry love but i want to protect you. after all it's me that's caused all of this' he says looking away and towards the road.

i sigh gently and put my hand over reece's.
'it's okay. just know you don't always have to sacrifice yourself for others. i can look after myself.'
'okay' he says smiling and turning on the radio.


we arrive at the nursery a short while later and to my suprise the door is already unlocked.

'that's weird, autumn normally doesn't get here for another 15minutes' i say looking up at reece

'okay, well maybe she has got here early today' reece says placing his hand on my shoulder before following em into the office.
low and behold when we opened my office door mia is stood waiting for us.

'wth how did you get in here' i say shouting at mia

'i told you it wasn't over' mia says smirking

' you little-' i say going further toward mia

'marge she isn't worth it' reece says pulling me back with me arm. i glare at him sternly and he relaxes his grip slightly.

'who isn't worth it?' autumn says coming around the corner, 'omg what are you doing here!'

'autumn! fancy seeing you here!' mia says stepping towards autumn who has pushed infront of me and reece by this point.

'mia leave right now before-'

'before what autumn.' mia says stepping closer, 'before you and your slut face friend tries to beat me up'

'who are you calling a slut' autumn says her face filling with rage

'that little man stealing bit-' before mia can finish autumn slaps her straight across the face.

'autumn!' i say going to drag her back but a hand grips my waist

'don't even think about it marjorie' reece says before pushing me back and stopping autumn before mia gets killed.

'right mia just leave you have tortured us enough' reece says passing autumn to winter.

'you evil girl!' mia says pointing to autumn before walking out as she holds her jaw.


Reece's POV:

After mia left , autumn and winter went out to 'clean up' although autumn didn't look like mia had even left a scratch.
Marjorie sat down and logged on her computer and i pulled up autumns chair and sat next to her.

'i could of taken on mia' she says as she opens her email
'mia is unhinged, im surprised autumn could take her. besides i wasnt going to let her touch you' i say rubbing her leg

'thank you' she says smiling as she kisses me gently.

'no thank you' i say looking at her

'why are you thanking me!' she says laughing, 'reece??'

'i feel bad marge, all this chaos could of been stopped if i jsut stayed with mia.' i say looking down

'but you weren't happy with her!' marjorie says lifting my chin up with her hand, 'i don't care what mia does aslong as your happy with me okay?'

i smile and say 'god i love you'

'you what?' marjorie says her mouth wide open

'what?' i say

'you just said you loved me!' marjorie says looking at me

'n-no i didnt, i think your hearing things. do you need to lie down? lets lie  down-'

'i love you too'

i look up at her before kissing her passionately.

'ehem' autumn coughs

'oh hi' marjorie says pulling awkwardly away from me.

'reece move i need to sit down' autumn says signalling for me to get up

'no you can stand up' i say sitting back

'reece get up' autumn says through gritted teeth

'marjorie can you hear something?' i say looking at marjorie. she looks back at me and laughs whilst shaking her head.

'istg reece' autumn says rolling her eyes. i smirk before getting a scrunched piece of paper thrown at my lap.

'excuse you' i say picking it up and throwing it back.

'ugh' autumn says throwing the paper back at me except this time it lands on marjorie head.

'when did i get brought into this' she says laughing.

'fine autumn you win' i say getting up

'hm good' autumn says sitting down and sliding the chair over to her desk.

'right see you later baby' reece says kissing my head and grabbing his coat.

'byee' i say smiling and blushing a little bit.

'god that's revolting' autumn says as reece leaves

'oh shut up' i say throwing the piece of paper back at autumn.
i laugh to myself at her reaction. i answer some emails and continue my day normally. well it was normal until....

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