Need To Talk

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Marjorie's POV:
it's saturday so i give myself a lie in. My alarm goes at 10 and i drag myself out of bed. i get ready, do my hair and slap some mascara on before going downstairs to smell pancakes, who's done that?

'hey' a calming voice says as i turn into the kitchen.
'oh hi reece, what are you doing?' i laugh
'i will never be able to re pay your for your kindness, but i thought to sort of thank you, i would make pancakes!' he says, holding up the pan to show me a thin, yellow mixture bubbling.

'aw well thanks reece, you didn't have to' i say smiling and sitting at a barstool, at my breakfast bar,

'no problem, thanks for taking me in' he says laughing

'it's okay, that's what friends are for reece'

'friends? last time we spoke we were screaming at eachother' he says looking at me

'reece leave it' i say setting the table, sliding past him with the glasses.

'no marjorie, we need to talk about it' he pushes

'later reece' i say looking away
he doesn't say anything after that as i think he can tell im not in the mood.

Reece's POV:

after breakfast, i clear up and me and marjorie go on a walk in the forest. the sun was blaring down and the sky shone a sapphire blue.

'marjorie?' i ask
'yes?' she says as she slides her hands into the back pocket of her jeans

'if we are on the same wage, how have you afforded such a nice big
house and i was living in an apartment?' i asked, intrigued. it had been niggling at me all day.

'it was my mums, when she died i got given it. mortgage is all payed off so i have nothing to worry about. apart  for electricity and water and stuff' she says, looking at me.

'ohhhh' i say, remembering she had told me stories of her mum before.

'and reece, your apartment wasn't exactly small. it was literally the size of a house' she says scoffing

'autumn said that too. i don't know how i afforded it' i laughed.

'we all manage somehow' she says

'i guess, i'm not right now' i scoff

'hm your fine! you have a place to stay. and now mia is gone!' she puts her hands up in the air and starts waving them when she says the last part. i laugh.

'yep. i'm glad we have sorted things out. i missed you. if you had told me i was living with you a week ago i would have laughed' he says looking down

'reece we do still need to talk. i have some thing so want to say as im sure you do' she says and i can feel her eyes on me

'yes i do. we can do it tomorrow. today is going too well'
she nods and we continue our walk before turing around and walking home.


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