5. A Taste of His Own Medicine

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There are a few things that you shouldn't be allowed to do in peace

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There are a few things that you shouldn't be allowed to do in peace. Like making nuclear bombs, animal testing sex trafficking, or anything that destroys world peace, causes extreme poverty or hunger, or endangers animals and human life, etc. No doubt about that.

But I didn't know how me writing peacefully in my notebook sitting last bench during break became a part of that list, like for real. Isn't a person even allowed to do that, in peace?!!?

By now, four of my classmates tried to distract me, I flipped my middle finger at all of them.

Three have tried to talk me out of writing, 'Damn Behen how do you love studying so much ?', 'Khushi period got over 10 mins ago', 'Bro do you even know how to chill in life fr ?'. I forced myself to peacefully shoo them away.

Two were respectful enough to leave me the hell alone after saying Hi (we're going to go strong in the future) and I absolutely adore them right now.

Unlike someone who's staring at me from God knows when like he's paid by Ambani to do it.

God stop it!!

I love attention. But it is an absolute bitch when it's unasked for.

I am just a girl with a notebook and dozens of stories to write even though I forget most of them whenever I actually get to writing, but it's no crime.

Tell you what, school is only good for studying (which I can't do) and not writing (which I can't stop doing). Especially cause of people mood swinged people who won't talk, ignore your existence and then stare at you like it's their fundamental right.

Stop it.

For God's sake, stop it !!

"Why study so much if you are only going to bang your head on the notebook?" Krishika says while opening her tiffin beside me without asking for permission to sit beside me and her aloo ke Parathas smell delicious.

I sigh eyeing her tiffin from corner of my eyes as she takes a delicious bite. "Okay, then you tell me what should I do?"

She shrugs, unsurely and continues with her lunch.

I smile and turn to my left towards the glass windows, searching. There is a cat in our school who birthed baby cats, a whole 5 of them 3 days ago right outside our class. We all saw her babies coming out of her and the proud look she threw at us before fainting was something. Like a mix of 'See these are my beautiful offsprings, you bitches' and 'Take care of my young ones humans'. We call her "pretty kitty".

I am well aware that I asked my classmate something she won't have the answer to (that is if I am not wrong in her character sketch), being the extrovert,outspoken-to-a-default and bold daughter of a criminal lawyer father who works at the Supreme Court. She made everyone her friend from the day she came to class and talks to everyone.Even my brooding benchmate replies to her.

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