13. Suicidal Tendencies

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There are 2 Questions that you should never ask a girl

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There are 2 Questions that you should never ask a girl.

One. How old are you ?

That's downright disrespectful and impolite. Tell me, would you stop calling a 5"9 girl 'di' if you find she's 2 yrs younger than you ? Or you would formal up with a woman you're informal and playful with upon realising she's the age of your marries elder sister ? Nonsense.

Moreover, a lot of girls have to actually calculate her age on spot. Not kidding. And that is, in most cases including me and my best friend too, usually followed by a lot of stress, anxiety and the 'bestowed as well as set' standards.

Imagine going on a blind date and asking the girl how old is she. Then she mentally calculates her age , and realizaof being n yrs old dawns upon her and all the goals she's yet to achieve, all the books yet to read and the bucket lists to be fulfilled etc.etc.etc.

That date flopped the moment her calculation begin, at least mentally.

Second being How do you spend your time ?

Though the answer might lean more on thought provoking, self realising, spiritual awakening side of spectrum but still.

For many, it's a lot more than that.

Like a tapestry of interwoven colors, emotions and moments, the kind that perfectly fits at right place in the big picturec. Beginning at rise of dawn, a lot of aim fulfilling study/work lessons and next you're peacefully dozing in the comfort of your bedroom,  only to woken up with splash and sprinkles of water on your face by mother dearest,  and fighting over TV remote and roti for the day with your brother, lots of punching, wrestling and hair grabbing with the younger offspring of the house, even elder sibling at times, laughing at dank jokes, entrusted with secrets and Snippets of other's lives and so much more accomplished in a day which ends with painful and shocking self realizations and discovery at night under the Shining moonlight.

Aka timepass.

Why would you tell someone that you are time-passing in your life ?

Lacking goals, and direction, guts and the fact you don't have any vision , something to look forward to in your life.

And I am just stating facts.

Cause that's what I m doing right now .

Apparently,  you've guessed it correctly.

Yes, I stayed up whole night watching rerun of It's Okay Not To Be Okay till 4 am and then woke up for school at 6am, courtesy of mumma.

And yes , I was so fucking sleepy that not only I slept in English period but also during Geet ma'am's Eco Class when I was supposed to be taking down notes.

And yes, I am thus standing outside of class in punishment and right beside me is, no one.

Yeah, cause no one is my type of special species in class.

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