9. The Boy from my Dreams

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"Hey listen", I hear him before I feel him right behind me

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"Hey listen", I hear him before I feel him right behind me. My hold tightens on my school bag as he continues, " When the school opens again and we also meet , will you give me another chance ? To be friends with you just the way you wanted ? Can we be friends Chawla ? "

" Khushi?"

And butterflies take their flight in my stomach once again, just like it always happens in his vicinity.

" Khushi ?"

"Yes" yes. Yes. Yes. A Thousand times Yes," We Wil be friends. "

" Wake up Khushi Chawla! "

Tap. Tap. Tap. I snap my eyes open and feeling of her slapping my cheeks registers in my brain.

Blinking rather profusely I stand up on my place feeling the harsh scrutiny of Kiran ma'am glare on me much to amusement of my class.

" What is this ? Summer breaks just got over and you're sleeping in the first period itself ? Were the holidays not enough for your sleep or what ...."

I internally sigh as her monologue continues for god knows how long , not really paying attention at all , while trying my best to look guilty and staring at the floor .

Was that all a fucking dream ?

The Cheer Girl chapters too ?

And that guy too ? Really ? Since when did I start dreaming about guys ? That too hot ones like him.

That's why I don't like my dreams like this one. Feel so fucking real yet a fucking figment of imagination.

"......Now what are you waiting for ? Go and wash your eyes . At once !"

With another sigh and another apology , I do what she asks me to.

Still not over that bloody dream . God ! Why are my dreams so bloody interesting when my life is not even 1%of it.

And that guy ! A masterpiece.

A beauty not even be found on Pinterest.

Hayee soniye ! Bhale hi imagination me ho , par use kisi ki nazar na lage.

And I pakka se casting him as my Noah for Charlie.

" Now you don't sleep again ever in my class . " Ma'am says, more like yells at me again and one of my classmates continues reading Summer of a Beautiful White Horse.

I nod still absentmindedly wondering about my dream. And that one guy in there.

Just imagine actually having someone like that in your cl-

" Excuse me Ma'am, may I come in ?"

A voice like the one I heard in my dreams speaks, standing at the entrance of our class XI C.

A fucking Velvety.  Deep . Resonating Voice.

Bloody really .

" Yes. Come in dear," Kiran Ma'am sweetly says like she wasn't bleeding my ears off just two moments ago," Are you new student?"

He probably nods and she asks him why was he late and he tells some bloody reason and then she asks him to introduce himself and all the while, my blood levels lie at alarming rates despite me concentrating on Murad riding more flying in air on that bloody beautiful white horse.

Just for God's sake, don't share your name.


" Hi , my name is Sandeep Batra."

No way in bloody hell.

A bang resonates in our class and I very painfully realize that was my kaand because everyone legit look my way , including Ma'am and that one with eyes darker shade of brown than my favourite Nu- the  new admission also.

"Hey , behave Khushi !," She reprimands me then turns to him, " Anyways , Sandeep welcome to our class. Take a seat and now..... " Again she starts with her monologue about how much work has been done and how he needs to catch up soon and nada nada.

"Do you know this boy? " My actual , original benchie , Shanaya Jain whispers  in my ears.

I shake my head shutting my eyes tight.
And she doesn't ask me about my reaction owing to my ' girl gone bonkers'  reputation in class and I am thankful for that. Where do I even begin ?

This guy was in my dreams. In my fucking dreams!

And I stand up once again , right the moment he settles down. On the first bench right in front of me !

And dash to washroom, after taking Ma'am's rightful permission.

There's no way in fucking bloody devil's hell that he would be my classmate.

And my friend and my fucking benchmate later on.

No fucking bloody wankering no. No way dude.


Yes way .

And he is my classmate.

In Real.

That's it for today guys .

Basically a small chap bout the guy turning out real and freaking out about same.

Hope you enjoyed darlings !!

Happy reading ahead <3<3

Happy reading ahead <3<3

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