6. Small Fiascos

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In a world of Angry birds , she is a seething hellfire

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In a world of Angry birds , she is a seething hellfire.

The one and only, the benchmate of mine.

From past 5 mins after sir went of class after taking attendance and our BST Sir is yet to come to class, she has been glaring at blackboard. With arms crossed. Her chest heaving up and down in an uneven rythmn due to her fast deep breaths.

I presume that smoke would be coming out her ears and face would be if she were to star as any cartoon character. Cute but ballsy.

Cause of me. She hates or is rather hating sitting right beside me on the bench right now (cause I intend to change our situation for better).

And I drop another note that says Sorry for all these days .But can become my friend now,benchie ? on her lap , which she again doesn't read or even pay attention to. I've ran out of ideas about what to write to her now and this notes-giving is not working which I probably assumed would've made some difference. Like she is a writer by heart so she won't be refusing any chit or piece of paper,no matter how small. Bur it certainly ain't working.

Ignorance. Ignorance.

My consciousness chimes back at the back of my head and I mentally shudder at the way she whispered about (figuratively, thank god) killing me.

Why darling why?

How can you lose so easily when the ignorance game has just began?

I so wanna pull some Dexter move on him .

That's what she said. And her voice really went serious, and low from 7 to 3 on scale of 1 to 10.

Shit. I am done. Totally. 100 percent.

I am also surprised as to why I am not attacked at yet ? How am I surviving? How long can I survive like this ?

Now talking to her , or least having some sort of communication is not a mere desire but more than that. It's a need , a chance of survival. A stress less bench-iroment in class where there isn't a death threat hanging by your throat.

Like seriously.

All it takes is one wrong move, to lose an empire or the king on chessboard. By the beginning of year only, I've lost both. My empire ( my sole proprietorship aka sole right ) over first bench and also my queen aka my benchmate. And I am resultfully stressed . This is Domino Effect.

And it's badly affecting my mental health.

" Goood Morninggggg sir " Choruses our class in a sing-song greeting and once more , all the chits fall down from her lap and onto thr ground and she doesn't pay any heed to it, let alone a single glance. Ouch.

And then we study this time , for the next 45 complete mins.

"Why there is garbage on the floor ? " Geet ma'am questioned during Eco period , glaring at the fallen notes or scraps of paper going by the look of disgust in her eyes, then at her and then at both of us, " Go and throw it in the dustbin."

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