10. A Class of Weirdos

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In my previous school, one of my classmate jerked off to Dipika Padukone in boys washroom

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In my previous school, one of my classmate jerked off to Dipika Padukone in boys washroom.

Other had unhealthy obsession with women's panties and he collected them under his parent's nose.

Yet another one couldn't sleep without a baseball bat between his legs.

I know this all cause I went on an 8 day trip while representing our school in the state games.

The point is, I've had fair share of encountering / meeting and knowing weirdos in my life.

But none of them, I repeat none of them is like her.

'You are bloody fucking kidding me dude.'

'How the hell in this bloody world is he new admission.'

'Why? Why? Just fucking bloody why ?'

And so on and so forth. She kept chanting that like a mantra. Cursing the new admission,aka me very openly, with distaste burning her tounge. Despite knowing that the said bloody wankering idiot is sitting right in front of her.

And I don't even know what I bloo-sorry, I don't even know where I went wrong ? I don't even know her.

Thats why , this is the reason I always made sure that none of my neighbor's or their children study in same school as mine.

Daddy issues bring fake sympathy.

And still.Does my name or shakal match to the one of her exes or what ?

I don't know. And neither I know what got her panties in twist cause something is really there.

But what I know is I can't afford to pay any attention to it. My aim is simple, to keep my head down and quietly pass the remaining school years without causing or involving in any drama.

Neither entertaining a certain case of gone girl who bloody doesn't understand why am I in this bloody school. She can fuck off to her bloody hell or jerk it off or whatever shit she wants, I won't complain as long as she doesn't come in my way.

Neither I'll think about fisting her choti in my hand and demanding what her problem is. Nope, not going there.

Not resorting to violence, at all.

Even if this class, and the yours truly sitting behind me is bunch of weirdos.

Why the hell am I always stuck between a class of weirdos ?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter darlings.

Happy reading ahead <3<3

Happy reading ahead <3<3

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