7. Different This Time

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You know what I said earlier about elder sisters, Fuck that

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You know what I said earlier about elder sisters, Fuck that.

Cause even as they put up a hell lot of fight , their resolve also loosens that easily . Just melts away like butter.

" I am sorry ." He says as soon as we are out of class.

" Don't be , " I reply tsking . In fact I am thankful that we are out of class. I was seriously out of ideas to keep the story in green zone and you can't Rina Kent in school.

" Darr nhi lagta mam kya sochengi ? " He ask so innocently.

" Meri Image ka waise bhi Raita faila hua Hai. " That's true. There's one thing I do very well, and it's embarrassing the hell out of me . I seriously won't need competitors to like disarray , disfringe my Image in society if I ever step out into the business world, I am already enough for that myself.

He then studies my face for good measure. And I turn to face the empty hallways trying to ignore butterflies in my stomach, " Why would you do so ? "

"Good Question . I don't know ."

Actually many a times I don't know what I do till I have done the shit and thats really not a good way to go by in life. But works for me somehow . Told you I am defected maal ( item ).

He chuckles, and thats a very sexy sound that matches his height, golden boy personality cum bad boy looks. With corner of eyes crinkling and dimples round his smile.

Then he stops and silence envelopes us . And I hate silence because it's never silent in my head.

And right now my mind goes to that fucking Pinterest story which perfectly fits our twisted situation.

Where the girl and boy cheat and mam throws them out of class and it's their first official. Just the roles of topperand backbencher reversed

That.fuckinf.shit .won't.ever.happen

Never .

"Excuse me , Sorry, " and I dash inside my class without waiting for her permission actually, " but I need my notebook." And grab my black notebook and pen in an instant and run outside of class before she can object.

And I quickly open a pg in between and pen down the story idea. It's not something new and probably cliché but I haven't written about second chance ever. And it won't hurt to try.

What could be this type of misunderstanding to really tear the characters apart ? Their names..... Kaira and Ritwik cool. Both Sindhi. Or Sindhi and Punjabi ship

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