Alec adopting Fiore REAL

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Jake: Hey @Fiore

Fiore: What is it

Jake: What did you meant when you said that Alec was your dad?

Ellie: Yeah

Ellie: waht was that suppose to mean

Ellie: *What

Fiore: wtf

Fiore: didnt your sheriff himbo boyfriend tell you?

Jake: True, but he only stated that he arrested a lady who abused her kid.

Jake: I didn't know you were her kid.

Jake: what happened?

Alec: Alright. I'll tell you

Alec: I adopted Fiore.

Jake: WHAT

Ellie: WHAT

Gabby: WHAT


Drew: WHAT

Aiden: WHAT

Lake: WHAT

James: WHAT

Alec: yeah. Its true.

Alec: Me and Nick adopted Fiore.



Alec: Let me finish.

Alec: After All-stars was over, Fiore's parents were supposed to pick her up after the show. But it turns out according to Kristal. They never did.

Alec: Tom told me he arrested them due to being abusive parents towards Fiore.

Tom: Yeah.

Tom: Turns out she was abusing Fiore back home, and I found out that Fiore had some bruises during the show after the merge.

Tom: And apparently, She was planning to sell her to a child trafficker they met down the street who just so happens to be a p*do.

Tom: I arrested them after that.

Tom: Both the abusive mother and the child trafficker.

Jake: oh.

Jake: Im sorry Fiore.

Fiore: Its fine.

Fiore: I guess...

Fiore: Im just gonna go watch some Spiderman rn

Fiore: See ya

Fiore left the groupchat

Tom: Im sorry I never told you who I was refering to babe.

Tom: Alec told me he wanted to keep it private unless He wanted to tell you or if Fiore wanted to tell you.

Ellie: So even though Fiore betrayed you, you still adopted her.

Alec: well just because she ruined my marriage doesnt mean I want her to suffer.

Alec: im not THAT heartless.

Alec: besides. Shes a kid. You can't just expect me to leave a kid to suffer in the hands of a p*do.

Ellie: Understandable.

Jake: Yeah.... I can see that....

Jake: Tom did say that before he was still mad at me.... but he did say he didn't want me to suffer back then.

Tom: True honey.

Tom: I may be mad at you for what happened back then.

Tom: But it doesn't mean i want you to suffer.

Tom: Im sorry I made you think I hated you before.

Tom: I didn't mean to make you feel that way....

Jake: Its ok hun.

Jake: Its over now... I guess...

Jake: Im sorry that I made you worry about me.

Tom: Jake. I'm supposed to worry about you. I may be mad at you before, but that doesnt mean i want you to suffer.

Tom: Besides, it's all in the past now. We can't change it. The only thing we can do now is to just move forward.

Tom: if we focus on the past too much, it'll be unhealthy.

Jake: Youre right...

Jake: Thanks Tom.

Jake: Thanks for being there for me... I guess.

Tom: No problem.

Miriam: Awwwwwwww <3



Miriam: I saw your texts sweetie.

Miriam: And its nice that you two made up now.

Jake: Heh heh.

Jake: True.


Ellie: I guess that is quite nice...

Ellie: You doing fine now?

Jake; I may hate you Ellie....

Jake: But yeah. I'm fine now.

Jake: Now let's get back change the subject before things get a bit gloomy

Alec: like what

Jake: Are you and Nick a thing?


Ellie: Admit the truth.

Alec: Fine.

Alec: I'll explain later.

Alec: Im a bit tired.

Ellie: Ok. Bye.

Alec left the groupchat

Ellie: @Jake do you wanna bet that Nick and Alec bout to go sussy wussy tonight later?

Jake: Yep.

Jake: >:3

Drew: This escalated quite quickly.

Tom: Fr.

This is only the 3rd chapter and I'm already invoking angst.

What is wrong with me?

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