MIDNIGHT THOTS 4-Everything sucks forever.

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(Ignore the Night in the woods Reference up there.)

(Warning: Mentions of self harm.)

Drew: Hey Fiore, You okay?

Fiore: Yeah. Why did you ask?

Drew: Cause... You sorta lashed out on us back there.

Fiore: Oh... Sorry, Me and Alec just... had a fight...

Drew: About what?...

Fiore: So I just came back from school and I may have been in a fistfight with a bunch of bullies there as well.

Fiore: They sorta got a bit violent on me, and I may have landed in some trouble...

Fiore: When Alec came home and saw my wounds during dinner, I tried to tell him I got in some sort of accident in school.

Fiore: But he didn't really believe me and asked me what was wrong, and then we got into this fight.

Fiore: And then I went up in my room and...  may have... well...

Aiden: Please tell me you weren't self harming.

Fiore: What? No, Why would you think of that.

Aiden: Cause James might have went there himself. I saw him with a bunch of cuts during our time in his place.

Aiden: Said he felt guilty for what he did to me and stuff...

Fiore: Oh. Sorry... I guess..

Aiden: It's fine...

Drew: But still, Fiore... Why did you lash out at Aiden like that?

Fiore: Him and his little sheriff buddy barely cared about me back then.

Fiore: And neither did my team either.

Hunter: Technically you are a menace.


Fiore: Oh, And like you guys are complete saints.

Fiore: You guys do crazy shit and messed up shit that is either equally bad or just as bad as me, and Yet I get treated like I just killed your dog.

Trevor: Again, You didn't kill a dog. You did worse.

Gabby: ...I see your point.

Aiden: Look, Fiore. I know you are right when you said that, But... Alec is just worried for you.

Fiore: He called me a mistake back then.

Drew: He was just angry, I don't think he meant it truly.

Fiore: Well...

Aiden: Drew's right. If Alec didn't care for you, Why did he adopt you and save you from your mom?

Fiore: Because my mom was gonna send me to a child trafficker that might've raped me if it wasn't for Alec.

Fiore: Besides, Nobody likes Pedos, Not even Yul.

Drew: Does Yul support pedophiles?

Lake: No, Luckily. He doesn't support them.

Ally: Sadly, The ONLY good thing we can say about him.

Aiden: back to the main subject, I know you messed up... But Alec does care for you. He was angry because he was worried you might've been doing... something that could worry him...

Lake: It's true, I could tell from experience.

Lake: He just doesn't want you to get hurt like last time...

Fiore: ....... I see your point.

Trevor: Look, If it makes you feel better, you're not the only one who goes through it, so you have nothing to worry about...

Drew: Yeah, Maybe you can go talk with Alec later once things cool down.

Fiore: ....Thanks I guess....

Drew: No problem :)

Fiore: See ya.

Fiore has left the groupchat.

Lake: Damn... I never knew I could feel bad for her...

Trevor: To be fair, Everyone has went through that once in a while...

Trevor: Which is why I'm considering on getting a therapist for everyone if we get greenlit for next season.

Ally: Are we really that messed up?

Trevor: Yeah.

Dan: I feel like the only ones who don't need therapy are just me, Drew, Lill.

Ally: What about Yul, Emily, Marcus and Nina?

Trevor: I don't think they need therapy either.

Trevor: Besides Nina is Nina, and Yul is Yul.

Aiden: No shit. Yul's the main reason therapy exists.

Ally: Not to mention that Nina is a living satanic puppet that makes Billy the puppet look like a children's toy.

Dan: Maybe this is a good time to get a therapist for the others... I feel like Me and Drew and Lill are the only sane ones here... And that sorta scares me.

Trevor: Don't worry, I got that covered for everyone.

Aiden: Thanks.

Trevor: Anytime Aiden. Trust me, We all need it.

Fun fact: This was actually made before, But I had to come up with a better plotline to fit in with Pt 2. (Yeah, You could consider this to the Midnight Thots thing as well.)

Hope you enjoyed the angst everyone.


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