Best singing performance + Ellie being owned

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Idea from FandomReaderWeeb

Emily: Ok, sooooo.... who remembers the music challenge from Ep 6?

Jake: Me

Tom: Me

Ellie: Me

Fiore: Me

Ally: Me

Tess: Me

Aiden: Me

Alec: I think everyone here already knows that.



Emily: Technically not EVERYONE here. Only those who were still in All Stars Alec.

Emily: Thats why I asked the question.

Will: I thought the yellow tean was good, I liked their singing voices.

Dan: Same, They were pretty awesome.

Rosa: I loved the blue team's song, It was romantic~~

Maggy: Same.

James: I have to admit, Jake's singing in the magenta team was quite good.

Jake: Thanks, But Ally deserves it more, She said she had experience.

Ally: Its true.

Drew: I loved the magenta team's song :3

Dan: I thought the Yellow team's song was better.

Tom: I honestly thought Jake's was quite awesome.

Karol: The Blue team's song was better obviously, the show was great and they didn't have faulty props in the performance.

Kristal: She isn't wrong, Unlike a certain someone....

Connor: Sorry about that....

Lake: The yellow team's performance was cool, I wish I was there to join in.

Lake: Even if I had to deal with Yul the mushroom baby.

Nick: I agree, You were quite awesome back there Alec.

Ellie: Imagine liking a performance just cuz your boyfriend is involved.

Tom: Imagine slandering everyone on national TV for no reaosn other than money.

Ellie: Imagine holding a grudge on something that happened TWO YEARS AGO.

Tom: Imagine waking up in the morning and deciding to pick a random day and be like "EENIE MEENIE MINEY MOE, TODAY'S THE DAY I BE A FUCKING HOE"

Ellie: Imagine not talking to your loved ones for TWO YEARS AGO EVEN WHEN YOU PROMISED TO DO SO.


Kristal has kicked Tom and Ellie out of the groupchat.

Jake: Okay thanks for kicking that Ed Sheeran ripoff out.

Jake: But why kick out Tom?

Kristal: Cause Emily asked you a question, who did you think was better at the performance back there.

Kristal: @For those who didn't enter All Stars or not in the music challenge.

Derek: I just want to get this over with okay.

Trevor: Send an emoji of a heart emoji to signify which performance you liked most.

Trevor: Like this: 💙💗💛

James: Can we do two hearts as well?

Derek: Whatever you want, just do it so I can go to sleep.

James: 💙

Lake: 💛

Miriam: 💗

Hunter: 💗

Kai: 💙

Maggy: 💙

Drew: 💗

Dan: 💛

Rosa Maria: 💙

Will: 💛

Lill: 💗

Nick: 💛

Karol: 💙

Derek: Can I go now?

Gabby: BRUH 💀


Trevor: hes right tho...

Emily: You know you could just leave if you want, No one is asking you to stay.

Derek: I was afraid your barbie ass was gonna force me to stay.

Emily: Well you can leave if you want, and take your giraffe boyfriend with you.

Derek: Good.

Derek has left the groupchat.

Trevor has left the groupchat.

Finally, I Got this chapter out...

Just so you know, I only picked the ones who weren't in All Stars, and sorry if the idea isn't as good as I thought It would be.... (okay, This wasn't what I thought the idea would be, But I hoped you liked it... I guess.)

Sorry for that tiny bit of Ellie slander back there, But The DCAS Ep 6 thing pissed me off, So i resorted to roasting Ellie back there.

Also, Yeah, I did another DC Voiceover reference cause why not?


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