The roasting of Yul the asshole

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I made this chapter way too quickly, But honestly. I think it's time to roast the fucking bowlcut fetus named Yul for what he said to Grett in Ep 5 of DCAS.

Cause I swear, This guy is just asking to be cancelled rn.

If you like Yul, Feel free to skip this chapter. If you don't like him or you do, but you don't mind. Enjoy.

James: Aiden baby

Aiden: Yeah James

James: I think it's about time we commence our sacred tradition again

Jake: Sacred tradition?

Fiore: What the hell?

James: The sacred tradition of roasting the asshole named Yul.

James: Because I just found out what Yul said to Grett before in the bike challenge episode I watched in the motel.

James: And honestly, I want to slander this asshole to pieces right here and now.

Yul: Hey! Is it crime to want to not lose a challenge?

Rosa: And speaking of the devil himself.

Yul: Devil?

Lake: You heard what Rosa said.

Lake: You are the living defintion of the devil itself.

Rosa: Remember what you said back in the truth challenge?

Rosa: "A latina stealing, why am I not surprised" ?

Rosa: What is THAT supposed to mean?

Yul: Wait, You heard that?

Lake: ofc she did dumbass

Tom: He said that?

Tom: Bro, This guy is racist 💀

James: He isn't just racist, he's an asshole

James: And while we're on the topic, let's discuss on what you said to Grett back in the triathlon challenge.

James: "Now pedal faster, You gotta get rid of those thunder thighs."

James: No offense Grett.

Grett: None taken.

Grett: Yul... Why did you say that to me?

Yul: I just didn't want us to lose, okay?!

Grett: But you know that's a sore spot for me.

Grett: I know you wanted to win, but still....

Grett: That was a low blow.

Grett left the groupchat

Jake: Is it somewhat strange I feel sorry for Grett?

Jake: I know she did bad things, but still....

Jake: That was a low blow Yul.

Aiden: I mean, To be fair the truth challenge did reveal he had an ex girlfriend that he dumped because she did plastic surgery wrong.

Lake: No shit.

Lake: Not surprised that he would treat Grett like shit, If he couldn't treat his previous girlfriend well, Not surprised he couldn't do the same to Grett.

Ellie: Didn't his manager sent him on the show so he can fix his reputation but got hated instead?

Maggy: Yeah he did.

Maggy: Too bad he got hated for it even more.

Ellie: And it's all cause he couldn't go for one day without learning how NOT to be an asshole.

Yul: Shut up ginger bitch, You were an asshole to everyone else ya know.

Ellie: At least I wasn't a bigoted bitch who made offensive comments towards people.

Tom: For once, I'm gonna let that slide for now.

Riya: Not to mention the fact he's a homophobic asshole who called us disgusting.

Riya: All cause we just said "Aren't you gay"

Aiden: Yeah, And I bet he wasn't even sorry for that comment in general.

Miriam: Just like how he wasn't sorry for pushing an old lady down the escalator that got him cancelled on social media.

Drew: GO MIRIAM!!!

Yul: Shut up mute freak!

Drew: Why don't you shut up you tiny dick having, mushroom looking bigoted ableistic fetus ass hoe.

Gabby: GO BESTIE!!!


Dan: Why did he even push off the old lady down the escalator?

Kai: Here's the thing, He doesn't.

Kai: Just like how he doesn't have a reason for being a bigoted ass hoe.

James: Honestly Yul, the moment you came onto the show, I never liked you or your ways of expressing yourself.

James: You were nothing more than a stupid, bigoted, racist, useless, selfish, heartless person that came here and for all the bad things I've done in this game and had regretted it. The one thing I never regretted was poisoning you with that mushroom.

Connor: I heard about that, That was cool James!

Aiden: Yeah, I thank you for that.

James: No problem.

Rosa: And I certainly don't blame him, After what you did to everyone in this game. I'm not surprised you became so damn hated that not even your damn manager and family want nothing to do with you.

Rosa: Honestly, After everything you did. You don't deserve to win that million asshole.

Yul: .......

Yul has left the groupchat.

Lake: That was awesome Rosa.

Rosa: Thanks, I wanted to get that off my chest a bit.

Rosa: ESPECIALLY after that racist comment he said about me.

Jake: No shit, How he got into All stars depsite his disgusting personality remains a mystery.

Jake: Speaking of which @Grett are you okay?

Grett has joined the groupchat

Grett: Yeah, I'm okay.

Jake: Listen, If you ever need to talk to someone. Feel free to talk to some of us here or in the DMs.

Grett: Really?

Jake: Well, what you did to us was wrong before.

Jake: But if you ever need to vent it out, feel free to talk to us or to me anytime.

Grett: Thanks I guess.

Jake: Anytime Grett.

I hope you all loved the Yul slander for this chapter y'all. (Even if you did like Yul for a sec)

I so enjoyed making this chapter and slandering Yul to a crisp.

See ya~~

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