Truth or dare

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Nina: I wanna play a game.


Nina: A fun game.


Kristal: Nina meant Truth or Dare James.

James: Oh.

Kristal: Everyone in?

Jake: Sure

(After everyone (Who is active) has joined in.)

Kristal: Alright, I'll go spin the wheel and when the wheel lands on the selected name, They go first.

Lake: ok

Aiden: ok

James: ok

Gabby: ok

Nick: We got it.


Kristal: Shush, The wheel has landed on Nick.

Kristal: Truth or dare Nick.

Nick: Truth

Kristal: What's your favorite kind of music?

Nick: Rock music and heavy metal.

Tom: Not surprised :)

Nick: Okay, Truth or dare tooo... Jake.

Jake: Dare.

Nick: I dare you to post the latest pic in your gallery.

Jake: Okay.

Jake has posted a picture

Nick: Why am I not surprised

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Nick: Why am I not surprised.

Jake: He looks cute okay.

Tom: O////////O

Kristal: Moving on... Jake?

Jake: Right, Truth or dare to Ally.

Ally: Truth.

Jake: When did you start your gaming career?

Ally: Probably around Middle school or High school, Can't remember.

Ally: But it was mostly around High school.

Ally: Truth or Dare to Tom

Tom: Dare

Ally: I sent you something in your inbox.

Ally: I dare you to yell that out.

Tom: Okay....

(1 minute later)

Tom: There, I did it. -_-

Tom: I'm gonna leave now...

Tom: See ya.

Jake: Bye hon.

Tom: Same here hon.

Tom has left the groupchat

Jake: What did you do Ally?

Ally: I dared him to shout "FUTURE" and make Goat noises.

Jake: Bruh -_-

Hunter: Ally what the fuck.

Hunter: Ok Truth or dare to James.

James: Dare

Hunter: I dare you to take off your shirt.

James: Okay.

(2 minutes later)

James: Guys...

James: I think Aiden fainted.

Ally: Oh my god! You killed Aiden!


Okay, This was lazy and rushed. But I wanted this out cause this was WAY WAY too interesting to not do it :3


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