Mental health awareness month

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Kristal: Attention campers of Disventure Camp! Today is May, The month of mental health awareness! Here to announce that for those who are going through times with their mental health, let it be known that your mental health matters! 💚

Emily: And for those who may or may not have gone through the same, Let it be known that your mental health also matters as well.

Oliver: And any hate comments regarding mental health will be blocked.

Emily: YUL.

Oliver has blocked Yul.

Jake: Not one minute in and you already blocked him.

Tess: I don't blame him.

Emily: Knowing who Yul is, He'll probably say some insulting stuff.

Oliver: Which is why for the sake of everyone here who is currently dealing with their mental health, even me, I blocked him.

James: Really???

Oliver: I have PTSD.

Tom: Holy shit, You do?!

Oliver: Yeah, I got it from when I used to work as an intern under Chris' thumb.


Oliver: Uhh, Yeah?

Oliver: Didn't Kristal told you this?

Jake: No, We only knew that Derek was Kristal's brother.

Oliver: Ohhhhh.... I get that.

Tom: Are you doing okay now?

Oliver: Yep, I have a better boss who treats me better than Chris McJerk face.


Kristal: Changing that aside, How are you currently doing?

Tom: Doing good, Police work is just doing fine as usual, Aside from a few panic attacks from PTSD here and there.

Oliver: You have PTSD too?

Tom: Yeah, Turns out doing a lot of spy missions can give you some... problems...

Tom: It's sorta... why I didn't talk to Jake for two years, I wanted to deal with my mental health first.

Jake: Its true.

Emily: Anyone else?

Jake: I'm still doing quite fine, Still have some... issues here and there, But not as severe as last time.

Grett: I'm already a bit more comfortable with myself and right now, I'm currently focusing on myself so I won't be stuck in the same situation as like last season.

Kristal: Why did you even date Yul anyway?

Grett: I have no idea....

Fiore: Just doing fine.

Alec: Same

Tom: Oh hey you two.

Alec: Sup.

Fiore: Hello.

Grett: What are you doing here?

Fiore: I just wanna say hi, That's all.

Fiore: Idk if my mental health is bad or not, But I just wanna stop by and say I'm doing fine.

Jake: Guess Alec has been a good influence on you, Huh?

Fiore: ...Maybe.

Fiore: Is Ashley a good influence on you?

Jake: Yep!

Tom: It's true, She's not really all that bad~

Ashley: Awww, Thank you partners ❤❤❤.

Kristal: However, incase we do have another season of Disventure Camp, You are not permitted to join next season if you have any mental health issues you are currently going through atm.

Kristal: If you do not wish to participate for next season for personal reasons, It's okay.

Tess: Thanks Kristal.

Tess: @Hunter @Ally how are you guys currently doing?

Ally: AWESOME~~~

Hunter: Yep~~ Me and Ally are doing fine~~

Jake: Same!

Tom: Yep!

Alec: I guess I could say the same.

Emily: Is it weirdly heartwarming to see you guys doing okay? Like, I'm not really the softie, But... seeing you guys just... talking and being wholesome.... Is nice

Ally: Nope.

Fiore: I guess I could say the same to you...

Grett: Yep! :)

Kristal: Anyways, to those who are currently trying to treat their mental health, I hope you guys have a good future ahead of you, and I hope you are ALL doing good right now.

Kristal: Make sure to take care of yourselves, and remember, Your mental health matters, No matter what anyone says.

Emily: And if they say otherwise, They can eat shit and die.

Tom: DAMN O_O didn't expect that.

James: Oh fuck... Why am I crying rn?

Jake: Uhm... You okay there?

James: Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm not hurt or anything.

Jake: Oh. Just checkin to make sure... Even if we don't get along... much.

James: Nothing wrong with that, A little check up doesn't hurt though.

Jake: Oh... Okay.

Kristal: Hope you all are doing okay, Thank you ❤❤.

Okay, This chapter didn't really turn out good as I hoped. But I... sorta wanna make something for mental health awareness month.

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month everyone, and let it be known that your mental health matters. No matter what everyone says.


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