Loser Baby lyric prank (Ft. Will and Dan)

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If you don't know, The full title is supposed to be "Loser, Baby lyric prank (Ft. Will and Dan).

Ps. I just love the song, okay?

Aiden: Hey @Tom @Jake are you two okay now?

Tom and Jake have entered the groupchat.

Tom: Yep.

Jake: Yeah, sorry for lashing out back there.

James: It's okay, I don't blame you

Nick: I see why you aren't fond of her tbh... even I think that's too far.

Dan: So things look bad and your back's against the wall.

Dan: Your whole existence seems fucking hopeless.

Nick: Ouch.

Aiden: That sorta hurt.

Grett: Isn't our entire existence just hopeless?

Tom: I am seriously concerned now.

Dan: You're feeling filthy as a divebar bathroom stall.

Ashley: As a what?

Alec: Dan, wtf are you saying?

Dan: Can't face the world sober and dopeless.

Kristal: Okay, Which one of you contestants have been drinking?

Tom: Not me

Jake: Or me.

Rosa Maria: I don't think anyone here does...

Connor: Except maybe Alec and Nick.


Dan: You've lost your way.

Connor: No, Nick sorta told me.


Nick: Sorry :(

Dan: You think your life is wrecked.

Emily: I think everyone's lives here are wrecked.

Emily: Like, Kristal wasn't joking when she said you guys need therapy.

Gabby: Are we that messed up?


Dan: Well, let me just say that you're.....

Dan: Correct!


Will: Wait what?

Kristal: Will, No offense... But.. Everyone of your pals here are messed up.

Dan: You're a loser baby.

Rosa Maria: What?

Dan: A loser, goddamn baby.

Fiore: Dan, what's going on?

Dan: You're a fucked, up, little whiny bitch.

Will: HEY!

Ashley: Dan, you better not be insulting Will rn.

Drew: Bestie, you don't mean that, right?

Dan: You're a loser just like me.

Will: Thanks asshole.

Jake: Damn. Will just swore. O_O

Fiore: No shit

Dan: You're a screw-loose-boozer

Fiore: The fuck are you saying Dan?

Jake: Is boozer even a word?

Tom: Technically, yeah.

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