Trevek Real?!

613 11 56

Alec: Sooo... @Tom can you explain

Tom: Explain? Wdym?

Alec: Why did you say that Gabby owes you 50 dollars?

Ellie: Yeah, @Gabby whats going on?

Tom: You want the long story or short?

Jake: Short

Ashley: Short

Fiore: Short

Drew: Short

Nick: Just keep it short okay


Jake: Hey, At least it isn't Alec this time.

Ellie: True.

Alec: you know I can hear you right -_-

Jake: We know

Ellie: and we dont care

Miriam: Going off topic, Tom what did you mean by that?

Tom: Okay long story....

Tom: Remember when I mentioned that Me and Gabby were staying behind to spy on the camp and stuff?

Jake: Yeah

Miriam: Yeah

Ashley: Yeah

Ellie: Yeah

Lill: Yeah

Nick: Can you please just get back to the main topic please?


Tom: Moving on...

Tom: Me and Gabby were currently spying on them until Gabby said heard noises....

Tom: So me and Gabby checked in Derek's room and tried to find new info, but we ended up stumbling upon some.... stuff..

Ellie: Like what?

Gabby: A locket of Trevor's face saying "The greatest thing that came in my life", a duck plushie and some childhood photos.

Gabby: Tom suspected that Derek and Trevor were dating, but I suspected they were childhood friends with friendship stuff.

Tom: So me and Gabby decided that out of shits and giggles, we make a bet on whether or not Trevek was canon.

Tom: And after that whole incident, I can safely say I won.


Gabby: Awww.... :(

Ellie: Did you seriously make a bet on whether or not Trevek was canon or not?

Gabby: Yes

Tom: Yes

Ashley: Is it weird that I thought Gabby would be the one betting that Trevek was dating, instead of Tom?

Jake: Well, I did catch Tom reading a Mikan x Ibuki fanfic one day.


Jake: Tom, It's okay, I used to have a danganronpa phase in my teen years.

Tom: I meant the part where I mentioned me reading Mikan x Ibuki.

Jake: Oh.

Jake: I don't mind, I'm not THAT judgemental.

Jake: Plus, I used to read yuri fanfics as well, including when I was in my danganronpa phase.

Tom: Oh.

Gabby: Oh.

Dan: Oh.

Drew: Oh.

Fiore: Oh.

Nick: Oh.

Ashley: Oh.

Miriam: Oh.

Ellie: Oh.

Derek: Care to explain why you made a bet on me and Trevor's relationships you fucks?



Alec: Bruh, Really?

Tom: Bitch you have no room to talk Mr Chain-Breaking Divorced DILF?

Alec: Okay, This whole Divorced Dilf joke is getting old now.

Tom: And so was your marriage.

Trevor: Derek honey, Why did I come to this groupchat just to discover that Tom and Gabby made a bet on whether we were dating or not?

Derek: I have no fucking idea....

That's all for this chapter, Just wanted to post this Trevek chapter That's all~~


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