Having spent the whole of the next day rehearsing dance routines and working on harmonies, Hannah and Paul didn't have a chance to address the previous nights events until late into the evening.
They'd been sat watching TV and chatting for a while now, and Paul couldn't stand it any longer, sitting there thinking about what had happened with Hannah the evening before.
"Will you stop that?!" Rachel complained, hitting Paul on the leg, making him realise just how restless he was that evening, jiggling his leg.
"Sorry," Paul apologized. With a sigh, he stood up and left the room. He headed to the kitchen and sat down, letting his head fall onto the table. He really needed to talk to Hannah.
Deciding on a course of action, Paul went and turned the kettle on, sorting out two mugs to fill. It was slightly chillier that evening, so Paul made the decision to go for hot chocolate. Besides, if Hannah let him kiss her again, the taste would be an added bonus.
With the drinks made, Paul picked up both mugs and headed back towards the living room, pausing outside to take a deep, steadying breath before moving forwards to stand in the doorway.
"Han? Can we talk?" He asked awkwardly, gesturing at the mugs when Hannah looked over.
As soon as Paul saw Hannah start to move, he headed for the stairs, listening as Hannah said goodnight to the rest of the band.
"You didn't have to say night to everyone." Paul told her when she reached him. Hannah took a mug out of one of Paul's hands and started up the stairs.
"I'm pretty tired, figured I'd just head to bed when we were done."
They reached their floor and once again settled on either end of the settee.
"What's it about this time, then?" Hannah asked.
"I just figured we should talk about what happened last night." Paul shrugged.
"What, when you kissed me?"
"Now, hang on. That kissing was definitely mutual. Especially if your tongue in my mouth was anything to go by!"
Hannah looked away, blushing.
"Look Han, I'm not really one for flings. And then there's the added complication of the band. I don't want to make a fool of myself here by asking for something I can't have. I don't want to risk our friendship."
Hannah looked back up, blue eyes meeting brown. "I know. But, I don't think you're asking for something you can't have I just... I think we should probably take it slowly. Keep it our secret for a bit, see how things go."
"So, you're saying we should give it a go?" Paul grinned.
"Absolutely!" Hannah smirked back. "We just need to be sensible and talk about things, so they don't start interfering with work."
With that, Paul slid across the seat to Hannah and ran his thumb across her cheekbone.
"I meant what I said last night. You really are gorgeous."
"You're not so bad yourself, Mr. Cattermole." Hannah smirked, stretching up to initiate a kiss. "Mmmm, you taste like chocolate."
"That was the plan." Paul chuckled, cocking an eyebrow. "And is this your plan for the evening? Snogging like teenagers?"
Hannah pulled a face as if considering her answer. "Yeah... Pretty much."
"I think we should make ourselves a bit comfier then."

You Are All I Need To Get Me Through
FanfictionS Club 7 are gearing up for their first UK tour. But what happens when they're all forced to spend 24 hours a day together rehearsing? A Pannah story.