Chapter 11

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A few hours later, and Hannah was awake again. The night had gotten even chillier and her room was freezing. She lay in bed, shivering, running through her options in her head.

Put on more clothes... Too uncomfortable. Fill a hot water bottle... She didn't have one with her. Wrap herself in the duvet... Won't be able to move. But there was another option, one that Hannah mulled over for a while before finally deciding to go for it. She was going to sneak into Paul's bed and hope he was alright with it. She only wanted something warm to cuddle, after all.

A few minutes later and Paul was woken by a waft of cold air against his back. He turned over as the bed dipped and reached to his side to turn on the bedside lamp.

"Hannah?" He frowned. "What are you doing?"

"I'm fucking freezing. Feel." She whispered, placing a hand against Paul's forehead and causing him to recoil. "I just wanted to sleep somewhere warm, and I figured two people are warmer than one."

"So you thought you'd sneak into my bed?!"

"Well, yeah. I was kinda hoping you weren't gonna wake up, so we could have waited until the morning to have the awkward conversation."

Paul chuckled. "You're alright. Right now, I'd love nothing more than to fall asleep cuddling you. Especially since you've let all that cold air into my bed. Come here, you muppet."

With that, Paul held out his arm and Hannah, grinning, quickly got herself under the covers. Paul turned off the light and began to settle himself down in bed. With Paul as the big spoon and Hannah as the little spoon, they were both soon content in the warmth between them.

"Now, don't go disappearing on me in the middle of the night. You're quite warm and I do like a nice big hot water bottle."

"Night, you big sap." Hannah teased.

"Watch it you, I could kick you out, back to your cold bed." Paul murmured, lightly tickling Hannah's waist.

"Okay, okay. Sorry. Night Paul."

"Night Han. See you in the morning."

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