Chapter 25

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Find out who you are and be that person. That's what your soul was put on this earth to be. Find the truth, live that truth, and everything else will come." —Ellen DeGeneres


He remembers applying to join Boeing Commercial Airplane Co, a manufacturing company in the USA. It's been over a year, and he never expected them to accept him. But he just received an email from them!
He took a deep breath and looked at the MacBook in front of him as he read the message he  sat in stunned silence, his eyes fixed on the MacBook screen. He has been waiting and hoping for this moment for so long, but now that it has finally arrived, he couldn't quite believe it's real. "He had been so sure that his application would be rejected, but now he was being given a chance to make his dream a reality. It's his dream to work with them  ever since he was a kid.

Ilham was sitting beside him with a bowl of golden morn,ever since she saw that picture of him with shaheedah she decides to put her  travels on hold and stay home to keep an eye on him. Little does she know, he's already aware of her plans. He stops calling Shaheedah when he's at home, which raises her suspicions.

What's wrong?she questioned looking at his face.
I just received an email I got selected as a manufacturing engineer at Boeing Commercial Airplane Co

USA she cheers her  eyes light up with excitement, not just because of the job, but also because she knows it will elevate her social status in Nigeria. Her father being a senate member and her husband working at one of the world's largest manufacturing companies with a high salary is a big deal.

"Isn't this a big deal?"She asked. "Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah," she cheerfully said. He shook his head as he replied to the email and closed his MacBook.

"He got up to go to his room. Soon enough, he changed into his black jeans and denim shirt. He made sure to put on his black face cap and comb his hair, (which definitely needed a haircut) knowing that Grandma would have something to say if she saw it messy. With his phone, wallet, and car key in hand, he settled on the bed and dialed Shaheeda's number. After just one ring, she picked up. "Assalamu alaikum, baby," he exclaimed. Just as he was about to start further more conversation, the door cracked open, revealing Ilham with a wide smile on her face. She had overheard the last part of his call. In a rush, he quickly ended the call and put the phone down.

"How did you know I'm here?" she asked, walking into the room.

"I just know," he replied, standing up from the bed. "I'm going to Grandma's. I might stay long because I'll also go to meet Ahmad."

"Ahmad," she squinted her eyes. "I don't like that guy, Khalifa. You know it. He's not a good guy at all."

"That's your assumption, right? Ahmad and I have been friends since childhood. Ilham, his father and my father were close friends, so I don't think you exactly know what you're saying."

"Okay, fine. I'll tag along. I'll also go greet your grandma," she smiled, holding his hand. He nodded his head. "Meet me in the car then." He knows she wouldn't even give him a moment to breathe. Ya Allah. he definitely knows her intentions, which made him quickly text Shaheeda as he walked out and completely shut off his phone.

Not long after, Ilham emerged wearing a modest dress, a simple abaya, for the first time in over a year. he look at her through the tinted windows with his mouth agape .She decided to embrace her natural beauty, foregoing any makeup. As she got into the car from the other side, he started the engine.

Throughout the ride, Ilham nervously fidgeted with her fingers, stealing glances in his direction, hoping he will look at her. he remained focused on the road, not once diverting his gaze.

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