Chapter 29

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If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough. -Oprah Winfrey


Abuja Nigeria,jabi lake mall
Oh man, I can't believe how long we've been shopping! I'm exhausted, and all we needed was a simple piece of clothing. It's crazy how picking an outfit turned into such a big ordeal."Shaheedah shook her head, realizing that going shopping with Ihman is not the best idea. Ihman could spend hours wandering around the entire mall just to choose a single item of clothing.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they paid for the clothes and left the store. But just as they were leaving, a car suddenly crashed into Shaheedah's car.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed, raising her hands up in exasperation . Her favorite car, a gift from her dad, was now damaged. As she looked up, her words caught in her throat when she saw the person in front of her.

"Do you see what I see?" Ihman asked, shocked by the sight before them.

I've seen her ihman.just wait and watch I will give her a taste of her own medicine," Shaheedah said angrily, determined to confront ilham.

You bumped into my car, and you think you can just walk away?" Saheedah shouted at the top of her voice.walking towards ilham.

"Well, well, look who's talking, the husband snatcher," Ilham taunted, laughing.

"You are a foolish, uneducated simpleton, unworthy of my time or attention," Shaheedah snapped, her words as sharp as a dagger. "Someone as ignorant and lacking in intelligence as yourself belongs in a school for the illiterate. Your inability to recognize true love, choosing instead to focus on shallow, superficial matters, is a testament to your foolishness. And do not assume for one moment that you can speak to me with such disrespect and escape unscathed.

"Do you even know who I am? Do you know my father?" Do you know my father's title in this country Ilham yelled back.

"That's the problem with a dumb person. Knowing you or your father's title isn't something I need to know," Shaheedah responded confidently.

Ilham let out a mocking laughter, taunting Shaheedah. "Who's the dumb one between us? Someone who's trying to snatch someone else's husband or..." she started, but she  cut her off.

"I don't have time for this, just so you know. And what were you trying to say? I see your husband loves you, a big reason why he came to me begging me to accept his love. The husband that you don't even have time for. Wait and see until I become Usman Abdullahi's Bukar wife. I'll throw it right in your face. You can't mess with Shaheedah Kabeer Yarima."

"Just give me three to four days, and I promise you that Khalifa will never be yours, you foolish girl," Ilham said, getting into her car and speeding away.

Ilham dialed Khalifa's number repeatedly, her voice trembling as tears streamed down her face. Finally, he picked up, his voice filled with concern. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Why don't you go and ask that filthy woman?" Ilham choked out between sobs. "She only loves you because of your money, Khalifa. She insulted me and said terrible things about you. She even claimed that you begged her to accept your love and that if you married her, she would ruin my life."

Khalifa tried to reassure her, "But if it's about money, she has her own money, Ilham. I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"You'll never understand!"She shouted, her voice filled with anger and frustration. "She has you wrapped around her finger, but I know what people like her are capable of doing."

He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his calm demeanor. "Where did you meet her, Ilham?" he asked softly. Khalifa was never one for conflict or excessive talking.

"At Jabi, she bumped into my car," Ilham replied, frustration evident in her voice. "And she even scratched my new paint."

Khalifa remained silent, not saying a word. This only fueled Ilham's anger towards him. "I know you'll say nothing," she continued, her voice filled with bitterness. "I understand that her beauty is what you like. It's what bedazzled you into marrying her!"

"Ilham, I'll talk to her, please calm down," he pleaded, hoping to ease the tension. But she hissed and abruptly ended the call. Deep down, Khalifa knew that Shaheeda had a strong hold on him. He trusted her to the point where he wouldn't agree with whatever Ilham was accusing her of.

Ilham threw her phone onto her bed, running her hand through her messy silk hair. The situation seemed far from resolved.

She looks at her friend halima and maimuna that just walk in .After she narrated everything to them .

You don't even know that shuwa girls ilham maimuna said.did you even know the news that is circulating their wedding day has been fixed if you don't know.

Ilham couldn't believe what she's hearing. She stood up from the bed, her phone almost slipping from her hands. This can't be possible! Khalifa told me that he didn't even send his guardians, so he lied?

Maimuna handed her phone to Ilham, showing her a video from Lisa Muhammad Kabeer, her cousin sister. "Look at this, it's a streak from ihsan. This is the kayan sa rana that his family took to Maiduguri," Maimuna explained. "Their wedding has been fixed for December 30. better wake up and face the reality. The threat didn't work, but I think I have a second plan."

Ilham listened, feeling a mix of emotions. "Let them get married, and then we'll know how to handle her," Halima exclaimed. "The good part is, he'll love you even more because you stayed in shape without giving birth."

Ilham's mind raced. But did they consider how much Khalifa loves babies? She couldn't help but regret taking those pills.she even start regretting taking her friends advice.

Why is Khalifa playing with her? What game is he playing? He told her that he didn't send his guidance and even lied about the whole marriage thing.Is he trying to trap her? Does he suddenly want to get married just to get rid of her because she hasn't given birth? So many questions are running through her head. And the worst thing she hates to admit is that she loves him, she madly loves her husband.

She took a deep breath and accepted the water that Fatima handed to her. She looked at her friends before letting out a scream, "I want to be alone!" she shouted.

They nodded in understanding and walked out of the room, leaving her lying on the floor with smudged eyeliner. But as she thought about Khalifa being out of the country and her also leaving next week, maybe she can make him forget about the other girl's existence. Whatever he and his family are planning, they will never succeed. She wiped her tears and made a few promises in her mind.


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