Chapter 30

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When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world." —Norman Vincent Peale


"I can't tolerate Khalifa's wife, Mommy. I'm not willing to go through with this marriage anymore," Shaheeda said, settling into the chair beside her mother after ihman narrated the events that had occurred.

"Why is that? Ihman's mother questioned her,
Nothing will stop you from marrying him. That is your qadr, your destiny, and no one can change it. You cannot simply say you will not marry him. Don't look at her. Just try to focus on the man himself and his family who love you. That's the fact that you should consider. Ihman's mother continued, "When a man loves you, there's nothing someone can do to stop him from loving you. Nobody meets someone by accident - it's all written that he is your husband. It's written that you will meet him. Whenever she is acting out of line, try not to engage with her, okay?

You are just wasting your time by talking to her. How many times do I have to tell you this, Shaheedah? I have told you this numerous times, but perhaps she just wants to test your patience because she sees how much the guy loves you.
He is a very quiet person, that is the reason,"

"Shaheedah, please try not to let your anger show in front of your rival. That will only make the guy love you more, okay? try to remain calm."

"Okay, Mommy. Insha'Allah, I will try," Shaheedah replied, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "I know it's not easy, but I will do my best."

"That's my girl," Ihman's mother said with a smile.ihman and shaheeda walk towards ihman room.

The girl isn't even beautiful talking about a fact ihman hiss laying on the bed. I wonder what he sees in her in the first place.

She roll her eyes I'll surely put her in her place..


Baby," he called out, his voice filled with concern as he saw Shahedah on the screen. The phone was resting on her pillow, and she was curled up, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm really sorry, baby. Please, I beg you, stop crying. I don't want to see you like this. Where do you want me to go? I'll do anything to make it right. Ilham is angry, and you're angry too. But please, don't make me leave this world. I'm truly sorry for whatever Ilham did to you. It hurts my heart to see you in pain."

She lifted her head, her red, swollen eyes meeting his gaze. She looked so beautiful, even in her vulnerable state, with her messy hair tied up and her soft pink sleepwear hugging her. Her natural beauty is captivating.

"Please, Shahedah, I'm begging you, stop crying. Those tears break my heart. I'll do whatever it takes to make things better."

"But do you understand? That car was so special to me. My dad gave it to me, and it held a lot of sentimental value because Sameer helped me choose the white color. It was the only memory I had left..." and your wife said something really hurtful to me. I can't bear it.

He remained silent, simply looking at her. She bit her lip, realizing what she had blurted out, and quickly covered her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I'm so sorry," she apologized.

He let out a bitter chuckle, trying to act calm. "I'm sorry about that. When I come next, we'll take the car to the paint shop. I have to go now."

"Ussy," she called out to him as he was about to end the call. She knew he was probably angry, but he was someone who preferred to stay calm even when upset.

"You're not angry?" she questioned.

"No, I'm not. I just need to take care of something, okay?"

Don't go, please. Talk to your wife. I can't tolerate her anymore. She should better respect herself, I swear."

"Alright, I'll talk to her, God willing," he answered curtly. "I need to go, okay? Love you, take care." He ended the call without giving her a chance to talk.

Khalifa was fuming with anger as he chucked his phone onto the bed. He buried his face in his hands, feeling overwhelmed by everything. One person is giving him a hard time, while the other couldn't let go of her ex. It was all too much for him to handle.It felt like he was fleeing one danger only to be ensnared by another, like a hunter who narrowly avoids the fangs of a lion only to find himself in the clutches of a tiger.

He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it into the laundry bin. Making his way to the bathroom, he needed a shower to cool off. After all, he was only human, and jealousy could creep in when you love someone.

Emerging from the bathroom, Khalifa got dressed in a simple pair of faded jeans and a black tee. It has been a week since he arrived in the country, and while he couldn't say he loved it here, he's starting to find his way around. Google Maps is becoming his best friend as he explored the new place. He had rented a house, but he knew he would have to find a new apartment once Ilham arrived in the country.

As his phone rang, Khalifa saw it was a video call from his sister, bringing a smile to his face. "Hey, bestest! How I missed you," she greeted him with a smile.

"I missed you too, and it's still morning here, so good morning. How are your studies? And where's grandma?"

"School's going well, Alhamdulillah, bestest. And grandma's right here," he said, passing the phone to their grandmother.

"Usman, how's it going there?" she asked.

"Alhamdulillah, granny. I can see you both missed me," he chuckled.

"Don't praise yourself too much, okay? We didn't miss you that much. It was your grandpa who was asking about you, and he just went to the mosque," she replied.

"I'll call him when I'm less busy, insha Allah.

May Allah bless you, usman, and may He help me succeed in whatever you want to achieve,"

"Ameen, ya Rabbi," he responded before she hands the phone to Safna.

"Lilly, I'm going to grab some breakfast,"will call you once I get a chance okay?

Okay bestest I love you take care........

Hey Assalama alaikum! How have you all been doing?Anyi sallah da ramadan lafiya?
Allah maimaita mana Ameen
The chapter might be a lil dull but just magnage it please
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With love ummeetarh05

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