Chapter 40

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"In order to write about life first you must live it."– Ernest Hemingway


"Their plane touched down in Chicago around 12:00 am, after a grueling 15-hour flight. Shaheedah is exhausted, unable to muster the energy to even speak, and soon fell asleep in Khalifa's arms. He gazed at her peaceful face, her slumber reminiscent of a serene, adorable baby. "Baby, wake up," he whispered in her ear, gently squeezing her hand, which made her eyes flutter open. She focused on him, still half-asleep. "We've landed, let's go," he said with a gentle smile.

They disembarked from the plane, and Khalifa hold her hand, guiding her through the bustling O'Hare International Airport. They hailed a cab, which whisked them through the city's streets, past towering skyscrapers and vibrant street corners. Their destination is Nema, where Khalifa's apartment was located.

After arriving at the apartment they walk in and khalifa switched on the lights she's stunned by the cosy apartment. He picked up their luggage and took it to their room.while shaheeda laid down on the armchair  exhausted and a bit of sleep masked up her face.

"Baby, don't be lazy, get up, freshen up, and pray; you can sleep again later. I'll find something for you to eat," he said, trying to rouse her from her slumber. She opened her eyes, still heavy with sleep, and gazed at him.

"Should I pick you up?" he asked, looking at her with concern. She nodded her head weakly, and he scooped her up in his arms, carrying her into the room. "This is your room," he said, gently placing her on the bed. "And the next one is mine, okay?"
Now, I'll let you get some rest," you must be exhausted from the flight. But when you wake up, I'll have something ready for you to eat. Sound good?"
But freshen up and pray first, please! Praying is the most important thing right now."

Mmm She murmured, her voice a sleepy mumble. He softly chuckled and walked out, closing the door behind him.

She took a minute to stand up and walk towards the bathroom, where she freshened up and then prayed. Afterwards, she walked towards her closet to find an appropriate dress to wear and spotted her favorite flannel pajamas. She slipped into them and laid down on the prayer mat, despite being exhausted. Then, it hit her - it is almost 1:30 am, and she wondered where he could possibly find them food at this hour.

She slipped on her hijab and walked out of the room, following the sound of clattering from the kitchen. There, she spotted him, shirtless despite the cold weather, a habit of his. He is trying to cook noodles, despite being tired and having a headache, but he is determined to find something for her to eat. She felt her cheeks flush with heat as she took in his perfect physique.

"I'm glad you're finally up," he said, his voice low and gentle, his eyes sparkling with warmth as he noticed her entering the kitchen. "I was trying to whip up something for you to eat.

You should have told me to come and cook; you must be exhausted," she said, her voice soft with concern.

He shook his head,"No, please, baby , it's okay. I'll be done soon, and I apologize for the limited options. It's midnight, and I couldn't find much, so I settled for noodles."

She chuckled, her eyes shining with amusement. "It's okay, I appreciate the effort. I'll get to taste your culinary skills today."

Hey, now, I'm not Gordon Ramsey or anything," he said, his voice self-deprecating. "But I can make a mean plate of noodles, that's for sure."

Her smile widened, her heart swelling with love for this man. "Well, I'm sure they'll be delicious," she said, her voice full of genuine warmth. "And even if they aren't, I'll eat them anyway."

"And we're all set!" he exclaimed, presenting her with a steaming plate of noodles, accompanied by a refreshing bottle of water and a glass cup. "Let's head to the bedroom, baby," he said, leading her from the kitchen to the cozy sanctuary.

He carefully placed the tray on the table beside the couch."Enjoy your meal, my love," he said, before settling onto the bed and scrolling through his phone.

She noticed his attention is elsewhere and wondered what was preoccupying him. "Aren't you going to eat?" she asked, gently removing her hijab and setting it aside. He shook his head, his eyes still fixed on his phone. "I'll just have tea; I don't usually eat in bed, not my thing."

After savoring her meal, she pushed the plate aside, feeling a hint of nervousness. He looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "Masha Allah, you ate well! Now, get some rest; it's already 2:00 am." She nodded, gathering the dishes and heading to the kitchen before returning to the bedroom, feeling grateful for the gentle care he showed her.

Baby, we didn't pray and thank Allah," he reminded her, his voice gentle. She looked at him, and she nodded her head, sliding into her hijab as he slipped on his shirt. He spread the praying mat, and they performed two rak'ahs of nafilah together. Afterwards, he led her in reciting the marriage supplication.

He took a deep breath, looking at her with a heartfelt prayer. "May Allah guide and protect our marriage, and maybe bless us with cute babies like you soon." He whispered, his words making her blush, and he chuckled at her reaction. "Go and sleep," he said, his voice soft.

Despite her exhaustion , she nodded and snuggled into the bed, covering herself with the soft blanket. He climbed in beside her, his phone momentarily distracting him. She peeked over, curiosity getting the better of her. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice soft.

He showed her his phone screen, a reassuring smile on his face. "Just replying to a friend's text. Don't worry." He set his phone aside and pulled her close. "Are you jealous, thinking I'm talking to another girl?" His eyes sparkled with amusement.

Her cheeks flushed, a combination of embarrassment and fondness coloring her expression. "Jealous? Me? Never," Though, I have to admit, the thought of you chatting up some other woman does make my blood boil a little bit."

Khalifa laughed, his arms tightening around her. "Well, you have nothing to worry about, "you're the only woman I want to chat up, or snuggle with, for that matter."

Well, that's a relief," she exclaimed , her voice soft "Though I have to say, if you ever do start chatting up other women, I might just have to remind you who the real queen of your heart is."

Khalifa chuckled, "Oh, believe me, baby, there's no way I can forget who the queen of my heart is."

She smiled, running her hands through his hair, and asked, "Do you know what?" He shook his head, stroking her braid. "Did someone ever tell you how great your haircut looks on you? I mean, the touch of those little curls always catches my attention. Kana bala'in kyau da askin nan." "I don't know if someone has ever told you, and I wouldn't be happy if someone did, because I want to be the first to complement you on it. And sometimes I wonder if you have Fulani or Niger roots."

He let out a soft smile, "Baby, don't talk much, let's sleep. I'm feeling sleepy." He switched off the lights, pulling her into a warm, cozy embrace.


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