Chapter 23

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If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron


Jobless folks and those silly bloggers are spreading false news everywhere. Hafsat shook her head as she watched Shaheedah, sitting on a couch with her messy hair and a bowl of mixed chocolates, completely absorbed in her favorite show on Netflix.

"You don't seem to care about the rumors, heedah. You need to address them before they escalate," Hafsat said, trying to get her attention.

She looked up, shaking her head. "Look, I don't have time for this. People are so idle, creating and spreading false news. My only concern is Khalifa, who hasn't reached out to me since."

Hafsat let out a sighed;"You're a strong-willed person, heedah, but you need to clear things up."

"I said I won't. My baby is the only person I care about. If Khalifa has a problem with that, then I'll handle it,"she replied firmly.

"Does that mean you still love Sameer? If not, you should clarify the misunderstanding about the picture of you two outside Sadeeq's wedding venue."

She pushed the plates aside, tearing her attention away from the TV. "Sameer is in the past, so stop pretending like I didn't tell you what happened between us that day. He came to apologize, and I told you that Ihman has handle him. Why would I dwell on the past when I have a wonderful present? Khalifa loves me, his sister loves me, his whole family loves me, actually. So I don't seem to care about anything."

"But what if his sister or someone close sees that picture? What would they think?"

She let out a sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll explain everything later. I'll do a live Q&A session to clear up the rumors. Happy now? So, how's Ayyan?"

"Ayyan? He hasn't been talking to me. I wonder what his problem is. It's been a weeks  of silence between us. Maybe we need a break in this relationship," Hafsat confessed.

"No, please. You don't need a break. Fadeela is getting married, and I can't wait for your wedding with Ayyan. Relationships have their ups and downs. Maybe he's just busy or something. I know Ayyan would never treat you like this. No mixed signals or red flags," Shaheedah assured her.

Hafsat squinted her eyes, watching Shaheedah closely. "Are you sure you two didn't plan all this? Yesterday, he was calling me, and I refused to pick up his call. And now this? It sounds suspicious."

Shaheedah couldn't contain her laughter. "Well, I did accept a little bribe from him. You know I can't lie. Please forgive him. Please, please, please."

Oh, there goes my phone!" Shaheedah exclaimed as her phone rang, catching her off guard. She looked at the screen and smiled blindly. It's Khalifa calling, and she hoped he hasn't seen those pictures. Even if he did, she knows he wouldn't bring it up. She's familiar with his habit of staying silent, a habit she didn't particularly like. He's a quiet person with an "I don't care" attitude. He disliked conflict and noise, preferring silence to avoid unnecessary fights. However, when he did get angry, he didn't tolerate nonsense and despised disrespect.

"Munafuka you love this guy kamar zaki mutu but you keep on pretending ," hafsat , looking at Shaheedah, who burst into laughter while answering the call.

"Assalamu alaikum," she heard his cool voice from the other side.

"Wa'alaikum assalam, baby!Ina wuni . How's your work?" she asked.

"Work has been stressful, but Alhamdulillah. How have you been doing? And how's the headache?" Khalifa replied.

"The headache has stopped after hearing my baby's voice," and I missed you so much baby you didn't call since morning why ?she pout, he let out a soft smile.

"I'm sorry, baby Dan Allah kiyi hakuri I was really busy with work, and grandpa wasn't feeling well. I had to go to the hospital, you know. I just came back home now, didn't even change my clothes, and I called you because you've been on my mind.

I thought you got a new girlfriend. How's grandpa's health? I hope he's feeling much better now.

He took a deep breath, unbuttoned his shirt, and threw it in the laundry bin. I can't say much, but Alhamdulillah, he's been suffering from high blood pressure. His condition is still critical, and Safna too, she's been crying. She has a serious fever.

Oh my Allah, I'm so sorry to hear that. May Allah grant him shifa.

Ameen ya rabbi. Can I end the call and call you later? I just called so that you wouldn't think I'm ignoring you. I want to take a bath, pray, and find something to eat."

It's okay baby.Allah ya kare mani kai take care I love you she whispered.

I love you too take care he hangs the call.

When it comes to love, your words have a way of captivating and enchanting. It's understandable why Sameer is trying to come back into your life. Speaking of that, your first baby has changed his club.

No problem, now PSG has been giving us a hard time, and Al Hilal suits us better. My Neymar," she said dreamily, as Hafsat playfully threw a pillow at her. "You nonsense fellow, you're getting married soon."

"And then what? It won't stop me from loving him, right? He's my first baby, and no one can take Neymar's place."

"You must be stupid then." I should better get going, it's almost three. I want to reach home before Asr so I can pray on time. I don't want this tara'ul salat.

Mara'atul Saliha is talking shaheedah , burst into laughter as she walked towards her closet and pulled out her well-ironed grey hijab. They walked downstairs, continuing their conversation. She spotted little Aiyra opening a gift bag.

"Finally, did Jamal give you the money?" she looked at her sister. Aiyra has been pleading with them to give her money to buy the GP Cuban bracelet she saw online. But they refused, knowing that Mommy or Daddy wouldn't give her such a huge amount for just one bracelet.

"I have many brothers in this world, including my brothers-in-law."

"Did you call Khalifa?" she asked, searching her eyes with a suspicious look.

Ayra stood up from the chair, packed her gift, and walked quickly towards the staircase, while Heedah and Hafsat look at her

"He's the best brother-in-law ever. You didn't give me the money, but he did so I can buy the bracelet!" she exclaimed, running to her room.

"Please spare me from dealing with this girl today. Did she actually go and beg Khalifa? What do I do with her?....

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