Chapter 39

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Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

Marie Curie


"Today's the day they leave for Chicago, with a 10:00 pm flight that Khalifa booked without explanation. But wait, it's 9:30 am, and she has only 30 minutes to get ready. Her relatives departed yesterday after the unveiling of the bride ceremony, leaving behind only Aunty Meera, imaan, and Ayra to escort her to the airport.

She hasn't spoken to Khalifa since her arrival at the house, and the tension lingers. She takes a deep breath as the maid brings in breakfast. She quickly eats a pancake and sips her tea, her mind racing with thoughts of the journey ahead. She puts on a stunning black abaya, which accentuates her natural beauty, and applies a light touch of makeup to her face.

Aunty Meera reminds her, 'Go greet your in-laws first,. Time is running out, and don't forget what I told you.' Shaheedah takes another deep breath, steeling herself for the unknown."

"Ayra, let's go," Shaheedah said, holding her sister's hand as they descended the stairs. As they entered the parlor, her heart skipped a beat. There, amidst his family , stood Khalifa, holding Ilham's hand - a sight that left her feeling surprised and overlooked.

Safna's cheerful voice broke the tension, "Oh, there's my favorite aunt!"

Khalifa promptly released Ilham's hand, and Shaheedah took a deep breath, approaching them with smile. She greeted her then with respect, "Ina wuni, Mommy, Ina wuni, Grandma," settling onto the rug beside her sister. Then, turning to Khalifa and Ilham,"Ina wuni ku," using the formal greeting to acknowledge them with poise.

"They answered her greeting's with warm smiles, and Hajiya Aisha, in particular, has a soft spot for Shaheedah due to her gentle nature. even though , Ilham is making an effort to regain their trust by demonstrating her commitment to her marital duties and showing remorse for her past mistakes.

"I'll take this call, excuse me,' Ilham said, stepping away to answer her phone, momentarily leaving the conversation.

'Please, let her breathe. You'll be with your wife today, no need to suffocate her with that look.' habiba  noticed the intense gaze he's directing at Shaheedah ,He scratched the back of his head.smiling.

"It's almost time, Khalifa. You both need to be on your way. I think Tsoho is waiting for you to take Shaheedah to his place. Don't miss your flight," Hajiya Aisha reminded them.

Shaheedah stood up, followed by Aiyra, and walked towards her room. She saw that her clothes were already packed and the maid was carrying them out to the cars. After a short while, they are  both waiting in the house premises for Khalifa to join them on . Before departing, Khalifa went to bid Ilham farewell, aware that he needed to be honest and share his love equally between Shaheedah and Ilham. Soon, he emerged, For him, the next stop would be his grandfather's house.

Safna hugged Shaheedah tightly. "We'll miss you, favorite aunt, until we talk again." Shaheedah smiled and replied, "Take care, Lilly."

As she gazed at her family, Shaheedah's eyes welled up with tears, her heart heavy with the sudden change in plans. Khalifa would now take her to meet his grandfather, and with their 10:00 pm flight looming, there is no time for a leisurely airport sendoff. Khalifa exchanged warm greetings with Aunty Meera as he slid into his car, waiting for Shaheedah to bid her family a tearful farewell.

As she hugged them tightly, their  faces blurred through her tears. She has never realized how much she would miss them until this moment. Khalifa watched the emotional scene unfold through the car's side mirror, his eyes flicking to his watch as the minutes ticked away.

With a heavy heart, Imaan took Shaheedah's hand, guiding her towards Khalifa's car. "Please, Heedah, don't cry anymore," she whispered softly, wiping away Shaheedah's tears. "Don't give your rival the satisfaction of seeing you suffer." Ihman closed the car door behind her, and Shaheedah took one last look at her family watching them out from the gate.

As they drove away from the house, Shaheedah closed her eyes, unable to stem the flow of tears. Her heart raced with every beat, and Khalifa glanced over at her, his expression softening. "Well, well, well," he said, breaking the silence, "look who's crying their eyes out like a baby! Guess someone needs a tissue... or maybe a lollipop to cheer her up?"

Shaheedah let out a small, hiccupping laugh despite her tears. "Ussy, stop it," she said, her voice trembling.

Khalifa took her hand, gazing at the intricate henna designs as he gently massaged her palm. "Maybe I should start carrying around a box of tissues wherever we go, just in case my lovely wife gets emotional," I'll even get a personalized box with your name on it: Shaheedah's Tear Catchers. How's that for thoughtful?"

She giggled, rolling her eyes. "That would be so embarrassing," she said, her smile widening.

He chuckled, "Ah, I would have started calling you 'Baby the Crier' or 'Princess Tear-Drop'! What do you think of those nicknames?" He arched his brows.

She laughed, her cheeks flushing with laughter. "Those are terrible nicknames!" she exclaimed. "

Oh, but don't you know?" He said, his eyes widening in mock seriousness. "I'm known for my terrible nicknames. I've got a whole list of them for you: Shaheedah the Weeper, Lady Waterworks, Empress of Tears... Should I keep going?"

She hold up her hands in surrender, laughing. "No, please, I get it! You win, Ussy!" She wiped away her tears as he parked his car in front of his grandparents' house.

"Ya Allah, I'm nervous," she exclaimed. He chuckled reassuringly, "Don't be, let's go." They walked into the house with a warm "Salam" and spotted his grandfather sitting comfortably, surrounded by his beloved radio and other nostalgic belongings. The elderly man looked frail but radiant.

"An kawo mani  mata na!" (You've brought my wife today!) Tsoho joked, making Khalifa burst out laughing. "Wannan tafi karfin ka, manage with Grandma, please," Khalifa said, settling beside his grandfather and greeting him warmly. Shaheedah followed suit, exchanging greetings and earning a heartfelt blessing from the elderly man: "Masha Allah, yarinya! May Allah bless you!"

She responded with a humble "Ameen," bowing her head.

"May Allah bless your marriage life and protect you from the whispers of Shaytan and the temptations of the world. May He grant you the strength to show equal love and justice between your two wives. Remember, patience is the key to a successful marriage, so try to be patient and understanding. Now, go, don't miss your flight!" Khalifa nodded, leaving some money for his grandfather, and they headed to the airport. From there, their plane took off, bound for Chicago...

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