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Melodies of Love: A Tale of Unexpected Connections 

"Life is a flower of which love is the honey." ~ Victor Hugo

Yang Chaewol finally arrived in Korea, taking in the pure spring air for the first time in a long while

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Yang Chaewol finally arrived in Korea, taking in the pure spring air for the first time in a long while. She pulled her belongings after her, scanning her surroundings. 

There was the sound of announcements over the intercom, blurred faces running to welcome their loved ones, the voices of the crowd blending into one collective hum. A wave of assurance washed over her, knowing that she was finally surrounded by her own people. 

"Chaewol!" the long haired girl turned around instantly, seeking to find the person who had just called her. Yang Beomseok stood off in the distance, her father waving cheerfully at his daughter. Chaewol ran up to him and hugged her father tightly.

"I had everything prepared to come and surprise you during your graduation, but look at you. Were you so impatient to get back that you skipped your graduation?"

Chaewol chuckled at her father's words, "I wanted to get back as soon as I could. I've returned for good this time, dad."

Chaewol was in middle school when her parents divorced and chose to live their separate lives. The parents adored their daughter and did not want their differences to hinder her upbringing.

Beomseok, the father, planned to launch a fashion company in Korea, while the mother had everything ready to relocate and live in Canada. The two parents came to an arrangement and decided that Chaewol should move with her mother to a more comfortable environment. The two parents who never remarried went their own separate ways. 

The mother and daughter began their new lives in the new country, while Beomseok successfully established CW Fashions, named after his beloved daughter.

Chaewol and her mother have never returned to Korea since they moved, however things can always change.

Chaewol looked at the bouquet of lilies in her hands, the dewdrops still visible on them.

They were her mother's favorite.

Chaewol carefully placed the fresh flowers, making sure that none of the petals were getting crushed in the process. Lighting an incense stick, the girl bowed thrice to the portrait that was placed before her.

"All the funeral rites are completed, Sanghee can finally rest in peace." Beomseok, who had previously been talking with some relatives, approached his daughter.

Park Sanghee, Chaewol's mother.

It was the year Chaewol turned 18. Right after she had graduated from high school. Her mother had gotten into a car accident and passed away. Chaewol knew that it had always been her mother's wish to have her funeral in Korea, and that was when she returned to her family.

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