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"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" ~ Aristotle 

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" ~ Aristotle 

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After a month, Chaewol had thoroughly adjusted to her life in Korea. She hadn't formally begun working yet because she wanted to take some time off, but she was always willing to help when required and would pop by the company on occasion.

Chaewol didn't have many friends in Korea because she departed at such a young age and had lost touch with the majority of her childhood friends. So she spent most of her days relaxing at home, hanging out with her cousin, or going out on her own. 

Since that supper weeks ago, Chaewol and Jihye have become considerably closer, frequently eating together and going shopping. The elder woman had filled an unknown gap inside her, one she had felt since her mother's departure. Chaewol knew that no one could ever replace her mother, but Jihye provided her with warmth that she hadn't felt in a long time, something she could only get from a motherly figure. 

Today was one of Chaewol's more lazy days, and she just wanted to stay at home, bake cookies, and binge watch her favorite Korean drama.

"Chaewol I see that you are coming to the company more often lately, everyone there is very fond of you." Beomseok had just returned from work to find the girl lying peacefully on the couch with the tv on.

"It's a little dull staying at home all day, and I don't have many friends in Korea. So I go to the company to keep myself occupied."

"When are you planning to officially start working at the company?" Beomseok asked, taking a seat beside her.

"I was considering taking another month off before returning. Is there a problem at the company? If needed, I can start right away."

"Calm down, everything is going perfectly at the company, I was just curious." Beomseok reassured his daughter. "Actually I have something else that I wanted to talk to you about." This time he spoke in a serious tone, it wasn't scary but Chaewol could sense that seriousness in her father's voice.

"Sweetheart, do you have any boyfriend, or is there anyone that you currently have a liking to?"

"No dad, there is no one I like."

"What do you think about the idea of marriage?"

"Oh? Uh, marriage?" Chaewol was caught aback by the question. "That's kind of a big topic, why bring it up dad? Unless you maybe?"

"Well it's just been on my mind. What do you think about it? Do you see yourself getting married anytime soon?" 

"I haven't really thought about it until now. I think it all comes down to finding the right person, someone who I dream of a future with."

Beomseok hummed while listening to his daughter, "Mmh, what about your view on arranged marriages?"

"I believe there is value in being able to trust your family, and there are advantages to having families consider compatibility. However, you should never feel coerced into doing something you don't want to do because of your parents. You should make an attempt to learn about the other person, but personal preference is equally important."

Unexpected Connections ⭒ HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now