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"I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you." ~ Unknown 

Under the ethereal glow of the setting sun, the air was filled with a symphony of laughter and joy as families and friends gathered in anticipation

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Under the ethereal glow of the setting sun, the air was filled with a symphony of laughter and joy as families and friends gathered in anticipation. Fresh flowers and sweet music added to the magical feel of the occasion, excitement buzzing in hushed whispers. Today was the big day that everyone had been waiting for, the wedding day.

Beomseok, Hajoon and Jihye were pacing around the venue, taking their responsibility as the parents to do last minute check ups. Greeting the guests they made sure that everything was going according to their plans.

The dressing room was filled with nervous energy as the groom paced back and forth, the Dreamies trying to calm his pre-wedding jitters. Haechan checked his reflection again for what could be the hundredth time in the past 30 minutes.

"Do I look fine, I feel like my hair looks a little weird don't you think?" Haechan wondered.

Renjun, who had listened to Haechan ramble on and on, finally gave up and pulled the groom to the couch. "You have already asked that question a million times by now. For god's sake you look good Haechan."

"It's just the pre-wedding jitters, take it easy bro, everything is going to go so well." Mark started comforting Haechan as well.

"I find it so funny that Haechan has never gotten stressed during work but is getting all nervous because of his wedding." Jeno wrapped his arms around the tanned boy in comfort. 

"Hyung compared to all of the things that you have got through, this is a piece of cake. It'll all go well." Jisung grinned at his older friend.

Yet Haechan was still panicking, "What if I trip on my way to the altar, there are so many things that could go wrong." 

Chenle snickered at the thought of Haechan slipping while walking up to Chaewol. "It would be so goofy if that actually happened, it'll add to your charm."

Mark hit the chinese boy on the shoulder, "Haechan you have practiced the vows so many times that you could recite them in your sleep, it's all going to go well."

Jaemin said the final remark, "Besides, Chaewol's love you for who you are, it doesn't matter whether you mess up or not." Through the words of encouragement Haechan started to feel a little better about himself. Sure he was still nervous but at least he wasn't as jittery as he was earlier.

Unlike the boys dressing room that was lively with the sounds of 7 men, Chaewol's room was definitely much quieter. It was just her and Nari in there as they got ready together. The other girl was helping Chaewol with her dress and makeup. The quiet atmosphere was ruined with the entry of the Dreamies, who had come to check up on the bride.

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