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"Love is not finding someone to live with, it's finding someone who you can't live without." ~ Rafael Ortiz 

Today, Haechan found himself at CW Fashions for a meeting with Beomseok and their fashion designers

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Today, Haechan found himself at CW Fashions for a meeting with Beomseok and their fashion designers. He had been to the company building numerous times before, familiar with the layout, especially the location of Beomseok's office. However, upon opening the door this time, instead of finding Beomseok, he was greeted by the unexpected sight of Chaewol sitting behind the desk.

"You're here for my father, right? Take a seat; he'll be here soon," Chaewol greeted him.

Surprised, Haechan took a seat and inquired, "Have you started working here already?"

"No, I'm just here to help around a little. Why are you here, though? You don't have to tell me if it's anything confidential or if you don't want to."

Reassured by her understanding tone, Haechan shared, "No, it's fine. We are actually debuting a new boy group , and I needed to talk with your father regarding the designs for their outfits and styling."

Curiosity sparked in Chaewol's eyes, and she asked, "May I be curious to know more about the new group?"

"Well, we are working in collaboration with another Chinese label and debuting a Chinese boy group called WayV," Haechan explained.

"Oh, that sounds interesting." Intrigued, Chaewol listened attentively as Haechan provided more details about the upcoming group. Meanwhile, Beomseok arrived, and Haechan acknowledged him, "Well, I will leave you CEOs to your work. Bye, Dad. Bye, Haechan."

As Chaewol exited the room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Haechan's work and a growing curiosity about the fascinating world of fashion and entertainment colliding in the offices of CW Fashions.

A couple of days later, Haechan found himself immersed in work in his office. A sudden knock on his door interrupted his concentration, and his secretary entered.

"Mr. Lee, there is a package for you," the secretary informed him.

"For me?" Haechan asked, a touch of surprise in his voice as he hadn't been expecting anything.

"It says that it's from someone called Yang Chaewol," the secretary added.

"Okay, you may leave now," Haechan dismissed his secretary, taking the package with a puzzled expression. He carefully opened it and discovered a note inside.

I made you lunch, I hope you like it.

Haechan delved deeper into the package, uncovering kimchi jjigae, his absolute favorite. With care, he arranged all the delicious dishes Chaewol had prepared for him neatly on the table, intending to capture the moment in a photo.

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