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"You had me at 'hello'" ~ Jerry Maguire

"You had me at 'hello'" ~ Jerry Maguire

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"I agree."

Beomseok stared at his daughter in disbelief, "What!?"

"I'm saying that I agree to meet Haechan."

"I know I heard that, but you are just going to agree like that?"

"Dad, do you want me to say no?"

"No, that's not what I want, but I had just thought that you would take some time to think about it. You don't have to feel the need to say yes just to please us elders."

"I know dad, but I mean it. I trust you and if you approve of Haechan it means that he is a good person."

Beomseok smiled at his daughter's words, "Once you meet, if you feel that this isn't going to work out, you can always say no. Or if there is someone else that you like, you know that you can always tell me right? This is your future and your own decision to make."

"I know dad."

"Hold on, I have to call and tell Hajoon the good news."

Haechan stared at the message he'd received. He was aware that he was in a meeting room and that looking at his phone was inappropriate. But this meeting was lasting far longer than intended, and he was beginning to worry.

Mark nudged his friend, "Dude are you feeling good, why are you so distracted?"

Haechan flashed his phone towards Mark who was seated beside him, "Mom sent me this 15 minutes ago."


Haechan, Beomseok and Chaewol have arrived. 

Where are you? 

Mark looked across to the other Dreamies who sat in the meeting room, his gaze drawn to Haechan's phone. It was a small action that the rest of the crowd missed, but the guys spotted it and replied by giving Mark an equally subtle nod. They were all aware that Chaewol was going to have supper with Haechan's family, and also noticed that Haechan was not paying attention.

Mark cleared his throat as he stood up, "We have been discussing this for nearly 2 hours and it's late now. I'm sure people have things that they need to get back to, so why don't we continue this tomorrow?"

Haechan mouthed a 'Thank you' to the boys, waiting for everyone to disperse before springing out.

"Oh my lord take it easy, there is no need to run that fast." Renjun called after Haechan. "God, what is he that passionate about?" He stood with his arms crossed.

"Kid's on his way to meet his future wife, he's just nervous." Mark said as he put his arms around Renjun, leaning against him.

"It's funny to see how he tried to do everything to get out of it just a couple days ago, yet look at him now all nervous and everything." Jeno shook his head, laughing at the boy.

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