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The patter and crackle of raindrops hit the pavement to the sidewalk outside of my house. My eyes are sore, but everything is vibrant with wet greenery.

I did the best I could and that matters.
It matters, god damn it. I did all that I could.

It matters. It's just another companion on their way.

But I miss no one more than I miss Catface.
She hangs around my neck in a capsule, so fragile and miniscule. How have these months passed so quickly?

There isn't a day on this Earth that I won't think of her. That I won't grieve for the bond we have. I know she would have been purring, curled up on my chest if she were here. My loveliest, oldest companion — I'm so glad you aren't suffering anymore, but I miss you. I miss your warmth, your sound — You're in everything I see these days.

I hope that, one day, I have a cat that can live up to half of the beautiful creature you were.

Thank you for everything you did for me. The things you still teach me even when you're not around. I love you.

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